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Planning the next step in my rehab journey



Am now back working as a nanny to 2 girls, aged 8 and 4, not too bad, I just walk them to school. My employers are so supportive, their dad goes with us still, making sure that I and the girls are safe, then we'll work from there. I'll finish my outpatient therapies at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute on October 1st, so I was asking my Physio therapist whats next. She gave me a few flyers of facilities that offer programs for stroke rehab, cardiac rehab. I decided to go to City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Together In Movement and Exercise (TIME) exercise program designed by Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Physio Therapists for people with stroke, brain injury and MS. It is a 12 week session, 2 times per week. I liked it because of the schedule It is on Tuesdays and Fridays which will not drastically affect my work schedule of Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

I signed up for the Fall and Winter sessions. Fall program starts on September 28,but I'll start on October 5th, because I still have therapies until October 1st. I really wanted to join a group like this to get me moving. If I don't, tendency would be I might neglect my exercises at home hich will not be good.

I'm just happy because I did it on my own, I didn't care that I was talking softly and slowly. Before, I didn't have this confidence in making the phone call myself. I'd always ask my sister to call for me, now I had to do it myself because she is now working full time and I wanted to sign up early because they only have a small group, I might lose a slot if I waited for my sister to make the call for me. It went well, I think, well, the person at the other end understood me perfectly, I just repeated what I said once.


I'm already looking forward to this.




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Great show of courage and independence Vivrose. Lots of gratification when you can graduate to little "On Your Own" steps. You-Rock.gif

Keep up the good work and successes. Mike

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that's major accomplishment girl. be proud of yourself. It took me so much longer to gather that courage that I can handle things on my own, setting my first appointment was big deal for me & considering I don't have speech issues. my selfesteem was at the bottom after my stroke, I was so dependent emotionally on my family to get me up and running again. Though I realized more I did it for myself better I felt about myself & my confidence level went way high.

I am very happy for you, you are walking in right direction of recovery.



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Mike, thanks! I have to take charge of my recovery now, because after rehab I'm on my own, I don't wanna fall into depression again no matter how light it is, like I felt after I had my surgery.It might hold me back again, that's why I can't use my left arm now, I neglected my exercises that time..But as therapists always say, hard but safe!






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Asha, thanks again.

It was not the first time I tried to call on my own, on days that my sister's not here with me, I book my own wheeltrans trips, except for the one time I had to spell Euclid Ave. to the operator, it goes well most of the time.Also, I'm confident enough to answer incoming calls now, compared to maybe a month or 2 ago, I'll always pass the phone to my sister. I just think, I had to get there now, I'm ready to get back to my old self before the stroke. If I don't start now, then when. It's also about pushing myself to be in charge now. I know I can rely on my family to do things for me, but how will I know things that I can't or can do if I don't even try.


It's also about courage Asha, thanks always for your support!





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