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Another blow



Haven't blogged for a while, been in a contemplative mood for the past 2 weeks. Went to see my neuro surgeon last week of September. I had an MRI in August, so I thought just a routine check up, but no, I came out of the clinic, very sad at his news. I have moya moya disease where the arteries in the brain are shrinking, that was what caused my stroke. I had surgery in April , an EC-IC bypass where he connected an artery from my right temple into the arteries lesding to the brain. Well to cut the story short, that was doing well, but the disease has progressed on my left side, so I need to undergo another EC-IC bypass surgery, this time on my left side, Well he said it all when he said if you have another stroke, your life will be over. I was so shocked, I've come this far in my recovery to let another stroke do me. i'm gonna undergo the surgery, I'm not ready to let go, I have my kids to think of, they need me still in their lives, I'm not the same, but I'm still here. I don't know yet the date of my surgery, I'm going back to see him on the 20th of October to sign the consent forms, then he will give me a schedule.

I can do this, I've done it before.I had to cancel the exercise program I have signed up for, in anticipation of my surgery.

Thank you all for the support I get here!


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I was not on the site for long, so I was surprised and sad to read your blog. Though I am firm believer in that your job on this earth of raising your children & your babysitter's children are not done. So I am glad you are taking care of your left side before it creates any major problem. you will be in my prayers.

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The shock must have hit you like


a sledge hammer to the chest.


I cried for you, I know you cried for yourself.


But there's no point in getting depressed, you know,


that will only make it harder on your immune system


and your recovery. AND YOUR LIFE.


In the face of such startling news,


Be optimistic, look toward the sun


and welcome its warmth and strength.



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