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Candy Apple Red Scooter



Long week. I always have the calendar out when making plans, but somehow always seem to overbook the week. Am trying to get some stuff done in preparation for the long winter-medical follow ups etc. and my priority should be Bruce's flu shot, but that is still on the to-do list. Kira had her follow up with the Vet and everything is OK. Her Kidneys are failing and Vet seems to think she is actually older than 8 years. Will have to call the people we got her from and double check. Wednesday was the road trip to test drive the Scooter, which we bought. It arrived on Friday. Bruce swam every day except Wednesday and he is getting so independent in his routine. Can't wait to get that neck tube off him totally. We will probably cut off therapy November 1. Bruce's COBRA payment went up (company changed Insurance) and therapists advised he hasn't been making any progress for a couple of months (personally I knew this). We had the long leg brace adjusted, hopefully to help the thigh spasticity, but it made no difference at all. He should however be in it for the stretching at least an hour a day-which of course, he won't do. Of course on Friday both therapists advised it was the best day he had had in months-why does this always happen? Always second guessing myself. But our friend Carl, who comes every Friday to give me an hour off, brought his new girl friend for us to meet on Saturday. She has a disabled son, so knew what she was walking into and we all put the scooter together and Bruce test drove it in the house-only crashed into one piece of furniture-lol. We had the best time. I spent a few hours with it today. It comes apart and goes back together so easily and I can lift all four pieces. Test drove it myself-went to visit all the neighbors, which was great fun. Next week is no better: Bruce needs some extensive dental work which will start next week and this Baclofen trial is turning into a nightmare-pre-requisites for a trial? Anyway, have to see my financial advisor, so am planning an evening out since I have to have a caregiver anyway. I did finally accept this week that I need some real time off, maybe couple of hours on one day every two weeks or so. We seem to hit one of those easy times where there is contentment and good routine with little stress or upset. Good week to all and since Sue got me back into blogs, will now catch with everyone. Debbie


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Debbie, take off the Superwoman cloak and put on the lipstick it is time for a night out. You work so hard to look after Bruce and if you are not careful will lose sight of your own goals and aspirations.


I am so glad you got the scooter and Bruce is capable of driving it, it will make such a difference to your life through winter.


I'd forgotten some of the seasonal backgrounds are a problem. As soon as a seasonal screen appears I go back to my blue and white favourite again.


Keep on blogging and commenting on the blogs when you can we all need so much encouragement to keep going with the day to day tasks, as you know there are far too many things to do every day.



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I am glad that you had help with the scooter. Bruce is good. he is able to drive the scooter. I have an electric wheelchair which we do not use. William does not like to drive it. We have to get down a ramp to leave the house and he is afraid that he will fall over.

I have not been pushing it. We had church today and went back in the evening for a Russian concert and choir concert. It was 3 hours. It was really good. I got home and my partner at work asked me to switch shifts. This means that I have the morning off and I have a caregiver coming. I e-mailed the scheduler and will see if she can help me out. I will need the entire day covered. I guess that I will just have Grace spend the entire day.

I will try to get William to the pool very early. Early voting starts tomorrow.

Have fun with that scooter.


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