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We're Still Kicking!



Oh my goodness, it's been way too long since I made an entry here. Maybe things have just been moving along.


This saga starts about three weeks ago I guess. When I had my gallbladder out I had the bright idea that it would be a great time for Bill to get some much-needed physical therapy time. We made the arrangements and he went into a familiar SNF where he has had rehab before. The first week I wasn't able to get to see him, however I did get in to see him the Friday after my surgery. I noticed he was sitting in his wheelchair. By the next week I noticed he was pushing himself over to the bathroom to use the toilet instead of using his walker. Not good. I had a multi-disciplinary consultation the day before he came home where I learned he hadn't cooperated with PT. I stated my concern he was using the wheelchair when he came into the facility using his walker and my intention was for him to get some rehabilitative physical therapy. Also, rather than someone cutting his meat for him before the meals, the dietician had ordered that he receive ground meet. That was purely for their convenience.


So I brought him home last Friday. We got in-home rehab set up. Tuesday evening he complained of chest pain and not feeling well. He ended up requesting 3 nitros, after which I needed to call 911. He was admitted for evaluation and boy, it has been one thing after another since he's been in the hospital. Congestive heart failure, yesterday his heart rate dropped to 38 while he was sleeping. Today his bp dropped to 88/58. So, rather than planning for his discharge into rehab to recondition him, he is in limbo while they try to find out what is going on with his heart. Bill has cardiomyopathy and I don't know how that whole thing will play out. It sure seems his heart has been under a lot of stress the past few days. Last night he was really, really confused and he was this morning too. He just can't place where he is. He thought last night he was in a hotel. He was wondering the name of the restaurant. He seems to be a little better when he has the oxygen on. Makes sense if his heart isn't pumping enough to move the blood through to his brain I guess.


So, that's it at our house. The old saying, "some days you feel like the windshield and some days the bug" is just about right.


You know, we don't live in a bubble. Some times there are wonderful things going on with our family and we have a wonderful opportunity to rejoice and laugh and experience pride. Well, sometimes the opposite is true. My brother has been complaining about "pulled muscles" from doing some fall outdoor chores. Finally I suggested he go to the doctor to get something to help him. He had an x-ray and the doctor called because they saw a spot. A CT Scan was ordered and he had that Thursday. In the afternoon he got a call from the doctor that he needed to be referred to a pulmonary specialist for more tests and probably biopsies on both lungs due to the findings of the CT scan. I think we will know more tomorrow. His wife Frances is a mess, as I can imagine. Please add Pete and Frances Egeler to your prayer list. I know God is good and faithful. If he has cancer, that makes both my brothers being struck in the past year. The little basal cell carcinoma I have on my arm pretty "petty" but I guess it still counts and the three of us being diagnosed with a cancer of some sort this year.


Guess this wasn't a real upbeat blog. This is a wonderful place to just let it all out though.


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Ann, Sorry you're being bombarded with bad news lately. Many years ago, when Bernie's kidneys failed she had a severe bout of congestive heart failure, I didn't have a clue what was going on, all I knew was she could not get her breath and was panting like a dog. I got her in the car and to the hospital in about 15 minutes (Very scarey). Pete and Frances are being prayed for right along with you and Bill. Mike

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Aww Ann, I do pray for the strength for you to get through another bumpy spot on the road. It just doesn't seem right that you don't even have the time to recover from surgery yourself.

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