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It's been awhile



Hello all


I'm back on on this site. I had to replace a hard drive and was busy working on my new house. A busy but fun summer. I finished my backyard for a new fence, deck, custom shed and a hot tub. Now Bud can play in his new backyard. It was awhile for him but I'm done so he can play now and I can soak in my new hot tub. I had dating all summer but nothing worked out. I dated a girl for a 2 weeks then she lost it on me and called me a handi-cap. I told her next time you call someone a handicap look into a mirror. I couldn't beleive how sick people are out there. Today I went out on a date and it went well. She says I'm so nice even I told her about my stroke and my left hard (no left hand). She didn't care. We are getting together tomorrow and thursday. I'm taking her to Red Lobster because we love seafood. Well i've finally added this website so i'll be back on more regually.


Keep smiling!!!!



ps: I also had a tattoo on my right shoulder of Bud. My best friend!


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Bill, it is so nice to see you back blogging again. A BIG welcome back from me.


You have found out what a lot of people know, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the beautiful princess.


There is someone out there for you, just take it one date at a time. Be that great companion that every girl wants to meet, a shy bashful young man who is so thoughtful (flowers and chocolates) and kind (opens doors for her etc).


Pity you are not twenty years older...sigh...lol.



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Welcome back! I think you already have the love of your life on your right shoulder, and covering your back. lol


Sounds like you've been a busy guy, but hope you have more time to come back and keep us updated.



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hey Bill:


welcome back we wondered about you, I am sure you will find right woman you have kissed lot of frogs already lol. I am glad you have Bud in your life to make life interesting & fun. enjoy your backyard & hot tub.




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Keep dating...she is out there somewhere. You have beenr really busy. The tatoo looks good...was it painful?

You are doing so well. Keep working hard.


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Welcome back Bill. I came on after you left I believe. Keep the faith about meeting that princess. I found my prince 20 some year post. Love the tat, what a beautiful dog Bud is. You seem very happy, dating, fixing up your house and keeping Bud company. Good for you. Its like I always say. There is life after stroke. Good luck to you on the dating scene. I hope you dont meet too many like the one you mentioned. Have fun. All the best to you,



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