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student doctor network and stroke knowledge



This was from the student doctor network





I've found plenty of TBI and SCI textbooks but was wondering if anyone knows of a good stroke rehab textbook, or do they not exist?







Boy is this disgusting, our doctor instructors don't even have good textbooks,none of the replies answered the question. Not only are our existing doctor unknowing but the future ones will know nothing. Here was my reply;


as a stroke survivor, I've spent years looking for decent stroke rehab information. Personally I don't think it exists. Actually there is one book that is good; Stronger After Stroke by Peter Levine Go to any of the stroke forums and it is obvious that survivors are not given any useful information. Therapists don't know any basis for their treatment.




As in the Swedish study, although the respondents were able to describe their treatment choices, they had difficulty explaining the underlying theoretical basis for their choice.


All I can say is that you had better not get a stroke because no one can tell you anything useful.


The World Stroke Organization is trying but we are 2400 years in the past when Hippocratic dictum that ‘It is impossible to cure a severe attack of apoplexy and difficult to cure a mild one’


Good luck you have reached the black hole of stroke knowledge.


To stump your teachers ask for the difference in recovery needed for penumbra damage vs. dead brain damage. I opine at www.oc1dean.blogspot.com, try not to be offended by my postings.

My goal here is to get students thinking about what they don't know.


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You are a Warrior Advocate for stroke survivors and caregivers, Dean, an indefatigable defender of our right

to know the facts, or lack of them.


A thousand thank you's.



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Stroke by Glen Gillen. Check out Amazon.com....stroke rehab text books.

A couple come up.

The one by Glen Gillen looks promising.



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