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Christmas Season



The Christams season is here and I am so blessed that Dave is a survivor and with me.


Dave wanted to go to the store a couple days ago to shop, which is a big deal for him, since he doesn't go to the stores anymore. We planned it out and off we went. Got him situated in his wheel chair in the store, flipped his feet rests up so he could motate under his own steam, I stopped to look at something for a minute looked up and he was gone!!! How do you lose a 200 lb man in a wheelchair?? :dribble: I found him only 5 minutes later in the shoe section, had a good laugh, but, he told his mom latter that I had dumped him, she knew he was only teasing.


Like I had said, I am blessed that Dave is a survivor, about 3 weeks ago he had another ministroke, he is recovered for the most part from, but there are more memory deficits, some bathroom issues, walking takes more out of him now as well, he is not healthy enough for PT, has never been cleared and won't be cleared for pt from his open heart surgery 3 years ago today. We do what we can at home with that, I get him to walk short short distances in the house and to use the stairs to maybe build up his stamina, well at least to not lose what he has, right!!


There is yet another new normal we are adjusting to, it takes some doing but if you are willing it makes the going better. Yup still days that I am frustrated and overwhelmed, but then I go and get a cup of hot chocolate, close my eyes and sip, take a deep breath of all that wonderful yummy flavour and smile. So the waist and butt don't appreciate it, but oh well... lol.


Merry Christams everyone and Happy Holidays,


Hugs your loved ones tightly for a minute close your eyes and remember how blessed we are.


Hugs Anne


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