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Merry Christmas to all.....



I will just take enough time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and be safe.


Bernie has me quite busy lately, chasing her around the house with a walker in my arm hollering all the while "TAKE YOUR WALKER BERNIE!!!" as she half drags a foot scaring the hell out of me. She's turned me into a two Millers a night man, my Lord what's next. I need to start feeding her that Bailey's, yeah, that's the ticket.


No rehab hospitals would take her as an inpatient, too many issues for them, so we work with the in-home therapists who are quite tested by her impulsiveness and reluctance to pay attention. She still can't chew but has quite a few facial expressions that she uses on me. She sleeps in a hospital bed 2 feet from my little twin bed that I squeezed into the bedroom along with the bedside pot and all the other stuff. I sleep with one eye open, and now that the baby monitor broke I take my few coffees in the bedroom until she wakes up, or until I make enough noise to wake her ;-). You guys know the routine, only so many hours in the day, tube feeds, meds down the tube, wait 2 hours, try some oral food, then wait another 2 hours then tube nutrient, and on and on........


....and to all a good night.


Peace and love,

Mike and Bernie


(crashed the puter so no spell check working yet, oh well)





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hey Mike & Bernie:


wish you Merry Christmas & happy New year. you have kept your sense of humor alive so I am not much worried about you.





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Mike: wishing you and Bernie a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You both are such an inspiration and I speak of you both often, both with friends and now at work. Somehow my problems pale in comparison.


I too purchased a twin bed when Bruce came home to a hospital bed. I tried an extra high AeroBed, but I found it cold and too squishy to move quickly when I needed to. I went to BJs and purchased their twin mattress and box spring for $89.00. When we finally brought down our bed, the twin got moved to our old BR and my sister has taken to sleeping in it. She was using my office which has a top of the line sofa bed, but was tired of taking it out, making it up and then putting it back. Last visit she went back to the sofa bed. She said how in the world did you sleep on that thing for so many months? You do what you have to do, I guess.


I take it the side rails won't keep her in, but one suggestion, put her strong side against a wall if you can and lock the bed down, side rails up on the weak side and you next to her on that side. The hospital bed will roll once you unlock it and you can have access to either side. I had the cheap roll frame on my twin, so just slid it out of my way in the morning. My work table with all the stuff was just outside the room in the hall and the commode can be moved easy enough. I am just trying to figure out a way for you to be able to get at least a few good hours of sleep. And make a new monitor a priority please! Call someone to pick one up for you if need be, everyone is out and about this time of year.


Thank you so much for checking in. Lots of your fans have been asking and I know your time is very limited, but it was wonderful to hear from you. Give Bernie a kiss for me and hugs to you. Debbie

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Yeah Mike and Bernie, you made my Christmas. Liquidise some chicken, mash up some Christmas pud and you and Bernie have a good one mate.


Wahoo, Mike and Bernie are BACK!!!!!


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Bernie.

Mike, sounds like what I experienced that Bernie is experiencing. That is Bernie's mind has not recognized or registered she needs the walker to move around and just takes off.


When I came home from the hospital I needed to use a walker also. One morning when I awoke I was still in dream state of mind. I was dreaming I was getting in the car to go somewhere. Swung my feet over the bed, my feet touch the floor (so far good) went to stand and fell right their.


Then I really woke up. It registered in my mind that I can't walk with out help and I certainly can't get in the car and drive. That's when my uncontrollable crying started. Now I'm telling this story after five years post stroke looking back on my emotions not understanding what happened to my body. It was my faith in the Lord that brought me to the understanding of what happened to me. I learned later that my crying spells was not depression (as the doctors said) was my way of grieving for the lost of control.


Thank you Mike for letting me share this experience with you as a caregiver, who hasn't experienced having a stroke (and hope you don't) but I had a stroke 2005 and my husband would holler that I was just watching to much TV and not getting up to do practice what the therapist told me to do. But I was in bed practicing what I was told to do. Two years later my husband had a stroke(unfortunately). Now the shoe is on the other foot.(unfortunately). My husband learned quickly that their is allot of practicing therapy in bed that is to be accomplished. My husband ended with the deficit aphasia.He continues to date to practice and work at speaking.


My husband and I have experienced both sides of this monster. Neither side of the monster is pleasant. Speaking as a caregiver to caregiver Mike, take time for yourself cuz if you don't do that you won't be any good to support your loved one. Bernie my not be able to express her needs your patience and understanding.


Mike on another note, we all her don't judge you if your spelling isn't perfect. I think If I can speak for everyone here, we gave up perfection and judging anyone. I want to leave you to remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean

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Yes, the routine. We have to live through that. But, it too shall pass.

I keep you and Bernie in prayer. She is a miracle and a blessing.


Ruth (as are you)

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cocktail.gif wishing you a very happy and healthy new year. just one bit of advice( from experience). never say Lord what next?. He might just show you.waycon1.gif

blessings mlwine.gifp stay stronggym.gif

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So great to hear from you Mike. We've had our own rollcoaster as of late (Fred stroked again and also had to undergo open heart surgery again and now again is hospitalized because of infection) and I haven't gotten to the board much to check on others - but know you've continued in my prayers. i think it's only folks here who can chuckle at the visuals you provide, yet have full compassion for your situation. I also sense your love for Bernie - it's how I feel about Fred - we simply do whatever it takes - we keep on trying. Praying for Bernie's continued recovery and your well being too. Thank you for your continued postings - you offer encouragement. Peace.

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