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No Idle Hands Here



My Mother-in-Law's motto: "Don't tell me not to burn the candle at both ends. Just tell me where to get more wax."

Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well. It’s been very busy around our house for many weeks. We have had visiting therapists, doctor’s appointments and many many hectic days and nights getting back to a routine, and normalcy if there is a normalcy.


In the news we have been following the healing process of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. It reminds me of so many of our survivors here on StrokeNet. All the stages of recapturing neuro responses and reconnections are all too familiar. My dear Bernie went through some of the same stages, some worse, some better. Survivors are troopers to a degree, that’s for sure.


Unfortunately, for me, I’ve not been able to get to the Caregivers Chat Room on Tuesday evenings. Bernie is on such a close schedule for tube feedings and medications, there’s just not time. She is more impulsive than ever before, and she is less cognitive. On the other hand her quick wit and sense of humor is the best that it has ever been. There are a couple of things that are worse than before, we deal with them. Fortunately Bernie is able to walk, with a walker if I’m watching, without a walker if I don’t catch her in the moment. She has not fallen in over 4 weeks so I’ll just be grateful for that. I guess I’ve got much to be thankful for. Although I don’t think I’m feeling very thankful for the Michigan weather right now, freezing rain, single digit temperatures, frozen car doors, and having to go out in it.


On the rehab front: It’s going slow but Bernie is still recovering, in fact today we passed another small milestone. Although there was a strap around her for safety, the therapist walked her downstairs to the basement, she shot a few balls on the pool table, and then walked back up stairs (I see a laundress in my future).


Even though we have much work ahead of us, I am so glad, at this point, that all the sub-acute nursing care places turned Bernie down and she came home. My patience has grown thin more times than I want to admit, but I still think she is in the best place for her right now. We shall see….., Till then watch your left side, Mike


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I have Ray with Left side neglect so know that saying well Mike! Ray had two falls Tuesday, one at Daycare one at home after not having a fall for weeks. What can you say? Out of the blue they come down splat!


Thankfully Bernie's improvement will continue and like all of us you will cope somehow.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Mike, I saw your blog and took a page out of your book. Got a glass of wine, turned down the TV, settled Bruce in until 10 pm or so meds, poured a glass of wine and here I am.


We do so miss you on Tuesday nights, however, I have missed a few due to weather here in NE and just being exhausted after the shovel outs and work.


I needed Bruce in Sub-Acute Rehab, mainly to teach me what to do. But you do not have those issues.


I know how tired you must be, but am at peace knowing that you feel the right decision was handed to you. That is so helpful to others who may find themselves in the same place.


Bernie's progress is remarkable. I am sorry she still requires the tube feed, but she is ambulatory and her sense of humor is intact. You know cognitively, that will take some time. Too many blasts to that poor brain.

We have been snow-iced-too cold "in'd" for too many days. I am thankful for not having to go out but poor Bruce is suffering.


Thank you for taking the time to check in. I can not imagine your routine. I hope at some point you consider writing about all of this. I think you have a lot to offer to us caregivers, but mostly love, patience and the willingness to get the job done. Please give Bernie a kiss for me tonight and one for you and please check in again soon. Debbie

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I so understand "no idle hands here" and I LOVE your mother-in-law's quote - it's perfect! So excited to hear of Bernie's progress - and good for you Mike, hanging in there as you do!!! As difficult as it can be to have folks coming and going from your home, I'm hoping it continues to work for you and Bernie. While you already know this (I'm sure of it, and I bet you've heard it countless times from others as well) make sure you continue to take care of yourself as well, and accept those offers of help (that's where I made my big mistake, then they stop asking...). Glad you found the time to post - know you continue to be in frequent thoughts and prayers! You're also a continued inspiration - you and Bernie! Peace Mike.



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Mike that's great she has not fallen in a whole month...Now, on to more recovery with a great care giver!


You still gotta do the laundry! :rolleyes:

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hey mike:


I always enjoy your blogs, they are full of love & sense of humor. I bet thhose are 2 ingrendients to get through any obstacles life throws at us. Glad Bernie is recovering so well and you are coping well with this new normal. I am sending you lot of warm hugs,



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Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words. I really think that we all have a strong friendship and more than that. I'm grateful to know you all, even if it's only through the posts and e-mails we trade. Now if we could only do something about these temperatures. I guess I've got to be happy we don't live in Fargo. Keep the faith, Mike (Hugs to all, you too Fred)

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Mike, I am complaining that it is too hot and humid and I can't get a good night's rest. I guess we humans are never happy about the temperature eh?



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