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Snow for Christmas? and Memories!



Christmas in Atlanta, Ga. Ended a day long of rain to sleet to SNOW! It's been just about one hundred years since it snow in Atlanta on Christmas day.


It's the last week of the year. My Christmas eve was wonderfully spent with my girlfriend and her big family. Mary (my girlfriend) is also originally from Cleveland, Ohio as I am. My friends, what friends I have are all up in Ohio. So, Mary is a later in life friend that are blessed and meant to cross life's paths. We have a strong bond as if we were friends since childhood. I have seen Mary's 6 children grow up and some marry and have their children. Mary's friends have become my friends, which I had none when I moved to Atlanta, Ga in 1989. That's what I call spending Christmas with the people you love and hold dear to your heart.


So, Mary and I grew up with snow, snow. Snow starting just after thanksgiving, covering the ground, having to wear a heavy winter coats and BOOTS for the next three months. Ug! Don't miss it. That's why northers gravitate to Florida for the winter thinking it will be warmer and a lot more sunshine. Snow is great if you are a kid and on Christmas vacation, to play in and with it. Make a snowman, lie down in the snow, stretch out your arms and legs, move then back and forth, making a snow angle. Everyone is a kid, a kid at any age to have a good old snowball fight.


As to end this post, snow has triggered memorizes of my childhood.


Holidays with my family, my oldest sister Ann, then my only brother Paul, my deceased sister Gail 14 years ago(may she rest in peace). My brother one year for my parents wedding anniversary had our old 8mm movie camera film put on dvd. I have a copy of that dvd. Seeing all us kids in the yard playing. My brother shoveling snow off our long driveway, I mean long. So dad could pull up to the house. Paul new he better clear the driveway so dad won't get stuck. (dad had a temper and not any of us wanted to get dad upset).


I just want to insert: This blog may not flow for any one else to follow but it's what is coming to my mind in memories of snow.


My mother use to put me in a snow suite just like in the movie “Christmas Story” I looked like Ralph's brother . That movie was made in Cleveland, Ohio, the west side. Houses are next to each other, with hardly any yard, that's why kids played in the street. I lived on the east side, considered the country. Peoples houses sat on 3 to 5 acres of land. As threw kids eyes the inside of this house was huge, the driveway was long. When it snowed it was white as far as you could see, like when you look across the blue ocean.


I never expected to be disabled at such an early age but, I sit wrapped up in my afghan and looking outside and enjoying the neighbors walking their dogs, the birds coming to the bird feeder.

A hot toddy in my hand. That's my memories of memories of Christmas 2010. remembertolaugh, Jeannie


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Jeannie, what an absolutely marvellous blog. I could have been sitting right next to you sharing that hot toddy with you. Thank you so much.


I was born in England and lived there till aged seven when we came Down Under to our summer Christmas. So I do have memories of those winter Christmases too.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Jeannie: I have lived in Connecticut my entire life. Bruce is from upstate Vermont: Yankees both. We had just starting to look for retirement property when Bruce had his stroke. We were considering about halfway into Vermont: an hour from my sister and an hour from Middlebury College, where Bruce was going to teach.


Now, of course, those plans have changed. We wil be looking towards warmer weather and better year round climate.


Today is the perfect example. One foot of snow overnight. Absolutely gorgeous. Of course, during the night it was a blizzard and I was awake almost all night, because emergencies are now on me alone. Took five hours to shovel out today and had help from a neighbor with a heavy duty snowblower, but he can not shovel, bad back. Six strapping boys on the street, but Daddy has all the toys and all they care about is their four wheelers. Now mind you, I like to shovel snow. I find it peaceful, exhilarating and stress-releasing. But I have to come in the house every half hour or so to check on Bruce and of course, the day to day stuff here still has to be done.


We had a wonderful Christmas and Bruce does love snow, so I sit tonight with my hot toddy, was able to get in a shower (always a treat) and can look out the front door at the beautiful site outside and know the work is done. Debbie

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Jeannie: I have lived in Connecticut my entire life. Bruce is from upstate Vermont: Yankees both. We had just starting to look for retirement property when Bruce had his stroke. We were considering about halfway into Vermont: an hour from my sister and an hour from Middlebury College, where Bruce was going to teach.


Now, of course, those plans have changed. We wil be looking towards warmer weather and better year round climate.


Today is the perfect example. One foot of snow overnight. Absolutely gorgeous. Of course, during the night it was a blizzard and I was awake almost all night, because emergencies are now on me alone. Took five hours to shovel out today and had help from a neighbor with a heavy duty snowblower, but he can not shovel, bad back. Six strapping boys on the street, but Daddy has all the toys and all they care about is their four wheelers. Now mind you, I like to shovel snow. I find it peaceful, exhilarating and stress-releasing. But I have to come in the house every half hour or so to check on Bruce and of course, the day to day stuff here still has to be done.


We had a wonderful Christmas and Bruce does love snow, so I sit tonight with my hot toddy, was able to get in a shower (always a treat) and can look out the front door at the beautiful site outside and know the work is done. Debbie

Thank you for your comments. Mike what is the mitten state? Sue when I was young I felt the same way as you shoveling snow. Ruth your son will be stuck in Atl. We don't have snowplows or salt trucks we stay home until it melts. Debbie San Diego Calif. in the 70's all year long. that's the place to retire. My hot toddy was heated up eggnog placed in a coffee cup, a shot of brandy, fresh grated nutmeg on top. Huh!

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