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Helping Larry with his Y workouts



Yesterday was our last day with the trainer and now we are on our own. The trainer said Larry was doing really well and even looked better than the first day he came. I have to be there with him as he is on about 9 different machines. I have to set the chair, pad, weight, plus help Larry on and off the machines. He remembers the settings and does well in swinging on and off the seats while I hold the cane. The trainer also added 3 lb. weights for Larry to do in a chair. I'm not crazy about working out on these things so I haven't joined the Y yet. Besides, how can I workout unless I come on a separate day which I don't really have the time and energy? Larry does the exercises and the trainer even wraps his bad hand around some of the handles. I thought nine was too much but he said each one works a different part of the body. Larry likes seeing people he worked out with before, and he is willing to do this, so I guess I will go along. I think Larry is getting better but I am getting worse. This is a lot to help him with, and my shoulder is killing me, so I think I need to get a massage. Larry says he has no pain but he is very tired after the workouts. I am too! I hope I can keep up.




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Julie: Ice that shoulder when you get home-about 10 minutes and take a minute to actually think about body position when you are helping Larry transfer. You may find you are over-extending the shoulder and can make some adjustments.


This is such good news for both of you, not just the exercise part, which is terrific; but also the social aspects. I think that probably helps get him motivated to go. Ruth was talking about the social time after William's swims and how much he enjoys that. We had that when Bruce was still in Outpatient therapy. We still swim with the same people and have a good time in the pool, but now since they go up to therapy and we go home, there are no more lunches or coffee times afterwards.


I am not a big fan of machine exercise for myself either But as Larry works out, you can always grab a mat and do some stretching, leg lifts, jogging in place etc. I stick with good stretching and along with the swimming, body has adjusted.


For now, be as supportive as you can. See where it goes and work for independence for him. It will take a while, as you know, so just try to hang in there and if you need a day off, just take it.


Good news: Debbie

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Julie hang in their. Get the massages and the great supportive work. I tell everyone about how great the Y is for rehabilitation, and the Y gives scholarships, which is a reduced rate on the memberships. remembertolaugh,

jennie :cocktail:

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Ray and I went to a warm pool for about 18 months,although he was enthusiastic at first in the end he complained more and more until I said we would stop going. I think the contrast with the humid air inside and the cold air outside was too much for him. And he got so tired.


I was able to do some exercises as I helped him do his exercises. Just try to keep moving if it is only jogging on the spot.


If Larry stays motivated it will make such a difference.



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