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a very good friend of meopen my eyes to how lucky we all are



well as you know prior to me having a stroke i use to work at c.k.v.u. a telivision station in vancouver, as a news editor any way i had a very good and close friend who use to go fishing with me quite a bit and we use to love going on the boat and just fishing and talking any way i had my stroke and ti went to gf stong it is a rehab hospital for stroke patients and i was only one mounth since my stroke so i was very out of it not sure what i was going to do with my life and i was in such bad shape not really sure where to start in other words scared to think of what next now that i am like this where do i begin and thinking oh woo is me why did this have to happen and i remember after feeling very sorry for myself a very good friend came to visit me in rehab he was sad and quite and just staredat me and ask well how are yoiu doing?and how are you feeling?and of coare i told my friend that i had just had a stroke and i will be laid up for who knows how long lots of rehab lots of wondering just how far i could go to getting better and then my friend told me something that change all of that for me i ask well how are you anyway and then he told me that he has cancer of the throat and the prognoses wasn"t good and then he says i know you don"t think that youknow whats going to happen but i know what will happen to me well anyway my friend knowing that the cancer will eventually end his life but my friend did the best that he could to make his life tolerable and it was at that time that i made a decision to do exactly what my friend did fight to the bitter end and learn to live my life to the fullest because that is all that i have and i wasn"t even sure how long i have so i might as well make the best of it well asfate would have it my very good fisherman buddy died of cancer ofthe throat but the courage that he has changed my attitude about life and what it is all about no one is sure how long we have but i do know that i have to continue doing the best that i can and tring to instill the hope that you have to have because that is what my friend taught me how to enjoy the momentand thank you for showing me that you have made me a better person for that and even though we never caught much fish in the boat i still had a very good lesson in friend ship and in loving life so thank yopu


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great now i have tears in my eyes. we know we're survivors but there is so much more to it. your friend was a wise man and reminded me of a wonderful friend who put up a heck of a fight- heart transplant,severe diabetes, finally losing the battle of bone and lung cancer. i remember i commented on a particular beautiful autumn day just how beautiful it was and. he said any day you wake up and open your eyes is a beautiful day. he lived life to its fullest.harley rider,driving his quad on country paths and a wonderful grandfather to my grandkids- my son's father-in-law george. great more tears. point being live and love each day as hard as you can play. as one of our survivors stated. stroke (age), i won!. blessings mlp

example looking at your picture with christain lenny.

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great now i have tears in my eyes. we know we're survivors but there is so much more to it. your friend was a wise man and reminded me of a wonderful friend who put up a heck of a fight- heart transplant,severe diabetes, finally losing the battle of bone and lung cancer. i remember i commented on a particular beautiful autumn day just how beautiful it was and. he said any day you wake up and open your eyes is a beautiful day. he lived life to its fullest.harley rider,driving his quad on country paths and a wonderful grandfather to my grandkids- my son's father-in-law george. great more tears. point being live and love each day as hard as you can play. as one of our survivors stated. stroke (age)i won. blessings mlp

oh yes mlp, then you know how important it is to love every moment that you are here , and thank you mlp for the very thoughtful comment all the best to you mlpand many more

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thanks lenny:


I needed this so badly today. thanks for reminding me how lucky we atill are even when things are not going the way you want.



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Lenny, it sometimes takes a close friend to tell you how to see things in a good way. I had a friend too who had an optimistic view when she was dying of cancer. She never complained and she never gave up until there were no more options. Recently, I found out a former neighbor died of lung cancer and had two small children 6 and 9. I don't think she even smoked. I grieve for her husband who has to raise those children alone. There is always someone worse than we are. We are lucky to have the things we do and the ability to try to make things better. You are a great role model for stroke recovery. :You-Rock:



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great post Lenny and something I try to remember. A couple years ago I made a gratitude list of what I still COULD do and wow that woke me up. From being in a coma and being paralyzed to moving with a walker and being able to talk, swallow (no feeding tube), breathe on my own and have a God who give me faith that I can get better. I'm a cat with 9 lives! I now have COPD ever since I fell and punctured (collapsed) a lung, but I am not on oxygen 24 hrs a day; just at nite. I have just started working with 1# arm weights - I am doing the best that I can do and that is all God wants. Hugs to you all. Leah

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great post Lenny and something I try to remember. A couple years ago I made a gratitude list of what I still COULD do and wow that woke me up. From being in a coma and being paralyzed to moving with a walker and being able to talk, swallow (no feeding tube), breathe on my own and have a God who give me faith that I can get better. I'm a cat with 9 lives! I now have COPD ever since I fell and punctured (collapsed) a lung, but I am not on oxygen 24 hrs a day; just at nite. I have just started working with 1# arm weights - I am doing the best that I can do and that is all God wants. Hugs to you all. Leah

hi leigh and thank you and i am sure that you will be doing just great you have a very positive attitude and a very good work ethecs and i know that you will be turning flips before you know it all the best to you leigh your friend lenny

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Great post Lenny. We are born with an expiration date so it is important to make the best of all life has to offer because no one knows the date we were stamped with. That was a very nice story about your friend, I am so sorry he passed away. You learned a lesson from him and that is why he was put on your path. A great lesson to all of us. Take care Lenny and continue to be the positive beautiful person that you are. You are an inspiration to many of us here on the site.



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Great post Lenny. We are born with an expiration date so it is important to make the best of all life has to offer because no one knows the date we were stamped with. That was a very nice story about your friend, I am so sorry he passed away. You learned a lesson from him and that is why he was put on your path. A great lesson to all of us. Take care Lenny and continue to be the positive beautiful person that you are. You are an inspiration to many of us here on the site.



mc thank you for letting me know that and i always feel the same way about you that you are the most positive here on the site with always a kind words to say and always a positive so mc keep up the very good job all the best to you my friend your friend lenny

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