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all you could ask for at christmas , and what we did



well another christmas has just gone by, and boy how times fly when you are having fun, and boy did i ever have fun, first of all i got up for christmas so that i could check christian face when he sees what santa brought him and then fred called mrtowish me a meeerry christmas , thank you fred i love hearing from fred any way i got up aonly to find that christian was not here he was visiting his father for christmas, so he got lots of toys from santa, lvery lucky boy any way christian came home from daddy and then my mother in law was here so first of all we open up the stocking gifts and i got lots of chocolate from purdys white chocalate with almonds and then i open a gift from my wife and i got 4 pairs of jeans and 2 pair of shirt and a package of socks and of coarse my favorite giftfrom my daughter a tee shirt wit a picture of the beatles saying let it be iwe got lots of gifts under the tree darlene got a worlout panys and shirt a caddy full of bubble bath some purfume and christian got spoiled from his father and from his grandparents so then we bought an artifical tree that already comes with lights just have to put on the balls so darlene did that with help from christian and of coase i just supervisedarlene has decided no real tree no needles to clean so then to further the day off for my caregiver we decided to order from the vancouver hotel all the christmas dinner so it comes with turkey mashed potatoes with gravy salad and dressing vegitables it was not that expensive at all we just had to drive up to the hotel in vancouver to pick it up so then we invited the neighbours over for christmas dinner so it was michael and geeza and my mother in law and then gifts was exchange and of coarse christian was spoiled again must be nice when you are just a little guy any way on december 26th it was my mother in law birthday so we had a party for here and more gifts for christian and my mother in law more to eat thats how i gain so munch weight eating all the time to celibrate christmas and my mother in law and me back to back so any way it is my birthday on the 27th so again it will be a birthday presents for me and of coarse for christian more dinner and lots of food and then my wife made for me for dessert my favorite cake it is a pumkin walnut cheese cake witwhich means in lamen terms heavt on the caloriesany way as you can see it is very hard to stay trim and thin right around christmas and my birthday for me and for my mother in law back to back and after all that comes new years eve, and i know that we are going out but not sure where so yes we have lots of family and i love it so we just pasrty party and eat eat but we all had a very merry christmas and i hope that all of you did as well


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Wow Lenny, you are a marathon party man for sure. I am so glad it is a good few days for you and yep, after January 2nd you are on a diet and have a lot of extra exercise to do to get rid of that Santa tummy!


I have had so many lovely blogs since I asked for them as my secret Christmas gift. So thank you for adding to my joy.



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wow lenny, what a wonderful christmas you and your family had. you all definitely had the spirit of christmas. sounds like christian made out like a bandit with all the presents,LOL but then christmas is really for the kids anyway, i think. i agree with sue about starting the diet come january 2nd. LOL your favorite dessert, sounds to yummy, i have never tried that before but now i think i need to check it out. we have a restaurant here in the states called the cheesecake factory, and i bet, that is one of their flavors. i now know that you and your family had a wonderful christmas and the birthdays were an added happy celebrations as well. you still have a week before the diet starts, so eat well my friend lenny. happy new year to you and yours. i hope its a year full of good health, happiness, winning the lottery maybe, LOL. love and more recovery for you.

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I am glad you had great christmas & holidays with your loved ones. I bet having grandson makes holidays more special. Belated Happy Birthday to you and your mother-in-law. want to wish you happy, healthy & prosperous New year.



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happybday.gifsorry i missed your birthday happy belated. sounds like the best holiday;.family, presents and cheesecake.i'm glad you got to see christain open presents.my grandaughter got a barbie townhouse. i want to live there. it has an elevator;hot tub;flatsceen tv that recedes behind the fireplace rolleyes.gifwith remote;shower toilet sink;kitchen; bed with netting;who could ask for anything more? thankfully the blizzard didn't come until after christmas.poor hubby still snowblowing.dribble.gif

blessings mlp

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