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Bills Cancer is Inoperable



We went to schedule the surgery and they took is in a little room and gave us the news the new catscan showed the cancer had metastasized to the liver in a big way with serveral lesions and tumors also the lung had a fair sized spot a suspicion in the throat and at this point with pancreatic cancer chemo is the only option left We are looking into holistic altertatives Their opinion is if the chemo works maybe 4-6 weeks if not less Please keep us in your prayers I am pretty much a mess as to be expected and we are asking for whatever prayer and emotional support you can spare Love Karen


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Karen, about the best advice I can give you is to make the most of every minute you have to spend with Bill.Don't think about the future, an hour is too far ahead sometimes, just live in the present.Don't think about tomorrow just intensify how you love him today.


Think about breakfast, make it special. Think about sitting beside Bill, burn it on your mind. Never think further ahead than you have to, time is precious now.


One of my uncles had two wives who died with cancer, he said with his second wife Mary, who died when he was in his '70s he finally had learned to make the most of every moment. You need to do the same.


Praying for you both as usual.



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you and Bill both are in my prayers. I will agree with Sue just stay in present and make most out of every moment with your Bill. don't waste single minute thinking about future. now is the time to make a most out of every moment you have with him.


you both are in my thoughts and prayers.



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Dear Karen: I am so sorry for you and Bill. I agree with Asha and Sue. Take it a day, an hour or a minute at a time. Think of pleasant things and memories and stay close to Bill and tell him you love him every day. My step-father died of pancreatic cancer and he didn't tell my mother that he had loved her. That was the worst of the worst. Encourage Bill to talk about anything he wants to if he does. And, yes, continue to pray that God gives you both strenth to go through what is ahead. I will continue to pray for both of you. God Loves you. Hugs, Leah

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Dear Karen, I will be praying for your happiness with Bill and hope you both will have many smiles and close, warm hugs for eachother. Now, is all we have, I hope all of your nows with Bill are the best they can be.


Keep in mind there are many who have read your post and just don't know what to say or how to respond, they're all praying for you too.


God's Strength to you and Bill, Mike



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I am so sorry to hear the bad news. You and Bill are in my thoughts and prayers. Like the others said, make the most of this time you have right now. I will pray for strength for both of you.



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dear karen, i really can't say to much that hasn't already been said. i do what you to be sure to tell bill how much you love him and how happy he has made you through the years, the children he gave you. etc. i never had that chance before my hubby passed. i'm sure he knew it. but saying it over and over will give bill the comfort in knowing, he did as god wanted him to while he was on this earth. he is a good man. i am so sorry the surgery can't be done. i am praying for you and your family each and every day. i think of you often and wish i could give you alot of strong hugs. so instead i send these (((((()))))).


i love you,


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We are continuing to pray for you and Bill. Please call me if there is a day we can drive to Denver to meet with you and Bill, even if it's just a lunch date.



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We are continuing to pray for you and Bill. Please call me if there is a day we can drive to Denver to meet with you and Bill, even if it's just a lunch date.




We would love that Sarah number is 303-659-8873 We need our friends near us Thank you so much Karen

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Karen, about the best advice I can give you is to make the most of every minute you have to spend with Bill.Don't think about the future, an hour is too far ahead sometimes, just live in the present.Don't think about tomorrow just intensify how you love him today.


Think about breakfast, make it special. Think about sitting beside Bill, burn it on your mind. Never think further ahead than you have to, time is precious now.


One of my uncles had two wives who died with cancer, he said with his second wife Mary, who died when he was in his '70s he finally had learned to make the most of every moment. You need to do the same.


Praying for you both as usual.




URGENT Correction Its 4-6 months most likely not that long that is optomistic however I just reread this and I see I said weeks Its bad enough the way it is ARGH!!!!! KaREN

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Karen, phew! Big difference in time frame there. Thankfully he will last even longer with our prayers and you will both continue to experience God's love.


BUT still cherish each day, each moment. Live in the present, Bill at your side and let the future take care of itself.



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Oh Karen,

My heart breaks hearing this news. You both will be in my thoughts & prayers!


What I know is this I need him like I need oxygen I cannot fathom what we are going through right now How can this even be possible? Love Karen

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