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Back Home Again in Indiana



I did it!! We're back home in Indiana. We moved into our new house Jan 10 right ahead of a midwest snow storm. The movers came the following day with our belongings. Dan's older brother, younger brother, and their respective souses arrived right after the movers, one from central Illinois and one from northern Indiana. They not only unpacked, they put away 90% of the boxes and organized the basement and garage. It's like a treasure hunt looking for things! Dan's family has been a tremendous help since the beginning of this stroke roller coaster we're riding. We are so blessed. I have to admit that I'm very proud of myself. I sold our old house, moved us to an apartment, got our new house built, and got us moved. There's still a lot to do, but we've got the rest of our lives to get it done.


On the down side of the roller coaster ride, Dan is in the hospital again. His ulcerative colitis flared up in October, started to get under control late December, and flared up again right after our move. I saw the docs today and it's starting to get under control again. Assuming he continues to get better he should be home in a couple of days. It may sound bad, but his hospital stay has been a blessing for me. I've gotten our closets and bedrooms organized, kitchen kind of organized, and started bags of stuff to go to St. Vincent DePaul. Pluse I've had four good nights sleep! Yea rah! I take a different route every time I go to the hospital so I'm starting to learn my way around a little. I'm directionally challenged so the differnt routes are not necessarily on purpose. lol


Hopefully we can get back to normal, whatever that is, soon. There's still a lot to do. Find a primary physician, GI doc, pysiatrist, dentist, rehab, home health care, and the list goes on. Then there's the important things like someplace to get my hair cut and somplace to indulge in my newly found vice...massage.


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Well, I am glad you did it, and Dan has to be proud of you. Your hands were full and running over but you did it.


I don't think I could have done all of what you did by myself. Job well done! :happydance:

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MaryJo, you are one strong clever woman. :forgive_me?: A housewarming gift...lol.


Nice to have you back in chat :chat: sixteen people in all. I did 2hours 20 minutes of hosting, every minute worth it.



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wow you are amazing woman you accomplished so much with stroke survivor. should be very proud of yourself. I am happy that you have Family's help in this roller coaster stroke ride. by the time Dan comes home I am sure you will be fully organized & settled in new home and your surroundings with your driving lol.



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Mary Jo.

COngratulations!!! You did it. I am so happy for you.

Dan will be so pleased and happy when he comes home and sees all that you have done.



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