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times are a changing



Hi all. I am still trying to get this computer stuff figured out it was hard enough before the strokes know it is , well lets say a bit more. I am off my old meds ssri and on the new stuff snri as of today the new shrink at Duke is hoping to see if all or some of the depression and mood swing and anti social feelings are psy. related or are they due to the four areas of damage and as he said short circuiting of the brain. Sounds like i loose with ether way . but we all have to look at all of our options and make the best judgment from that. He also said I might need to have a two to three hour test on cognitive thought and memory if the new meds do not seem to work any better then the old ones. I am sorry for all of you covered in snow Karen and used to live on Long Island N.Y. but know in N.C. with less snow but we still get snowed in and not as much as some of you all. So stay in stay safe and spring will come as two days ago a flock of twenty to thirty robins stopped in my yard for a rest as they were heading not a sure sign of spring. who would have thought any of use would be where we are today wasn't always the other guy with bad luck those other people who talked funny or walked strange or like me forget what I had for breakfast or if I took a shower today. But hear we are a lot of us talking on this crazy INTERNET and supporting each other let others know you are not as bad off as some worse then others but we all share love of each other and love of family i hope but some of us do loose some family some friends . Their loss as we are the lucky ones to see life in different ways they look only as a handicap what a shame. After forty years of health care work and giving to others I know have to change I can no longer do patent care as it would not be safe for the patents. where to go ? I am thinking of helping with animal reform stopping cruelty educating kids that animals have feels and a purpose on this earth after all God did make them first so the is always hope for us we need to look and take ore time as I have said before "what i did all day takes me all week to do know " but so what it still gets done. One last parting thought about my looking at helping animals was some thing i read "THE GREATNESS OF A NATION AND IT'S MORAL PROGRESS CAN BE JUDGED BY THE WAY ITS ANIMALS ARE TREATED" Gandhi love to all back soon Ken




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Hey Ken, Memory loss I believe is part of Stroke. After all our brains were short circuited is how I look at it. As for depression, I didn't think I was but I had the crying gags. My doc said that was my way of releasing my depression built up inside coming out.

I'm on meds for depression now for eleven years. I was on before stroked cuz I had winter depression. It will get better. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

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WOW, Ken, I tried to read your blog, man it was too altogether for my reading abilities but I welcome you to the blog world and hope you get the site operation down better soon.


I type with one finger and can read some if it's separated after about 6 lines or so but do what you have to I should get better in a few more years. I had a brain bleed, the worse kind I'm told with a 3% survival rating. Well I'm glad to still be here much less reading and writing.


Hang in there I shall see more of you around the message board I'm sure! :happydance:



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not sure if this is a double reply. if so the other one is in cyberspacebouncesmile.gif.computers are a


c hallenge to me also. congratulations on being a survivor.Clap-Hands.gif we are a strong group . we may

have a different view of life now but i think we just appreciate it more. i'm glad you found us


at stroke network. you will find a lot of support and more often than not someone who has


already experienced anything you're going through. blessings mlp lynn

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