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Moving Day! 5/14/05



The forcast was for thunder showers and rain all day. But it is a bright sunny day. Which is good as today is the official moving in day. Though most of my stuff is at the apartment, I still have my desk and computer at the house.


I spent most of yesterday at the apartment. My phone, cable and DSL was being hooked up. So I put all those groceries away, unpacked a box or two and started to clean the shower. Well the shower never got finished.... but everything else did. But it was so wierd being there. It doesn't feel like home yet, I felt like I was house sitting. In a few days...... So I wanted to blog this morning before the games begin. If my dsl connection cooperates, I'll try to blog again tonight or tomorrow. Then I hopefully will have found my glasses. I can't see very well on the puter without my glasses.



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My lilacs are blooming and I'm sending you a coffee can full of them (in my house, if it holds water it becomes a vase come spring) to brighten up the new apartment!


Welcome Home my friend!


Get settled soon, we need to have a housewarming party!


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It takes time for a house to feel like home, but it will get there sooner than you think. You've got a big vacuum to fill and it will seem strange at first to experience all the quiet and peace that comes with living alone. I'm betting in a month that will all change and you'll love your new freedom.


Vicki, I'll co-host that shower. I'll bet we can get the keys to one of the chat rooms.



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Lots of good luck wishes are being sent to you...I can smell the coffee and before long it will be home. Enjoy the adventure and newness!





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