Hi every body
It is nice to see spring. I have been to see my new doc. several times and the med. changes are still going forward. I am able to use my left side but it is not what it was before the strokes. Has any one ever been told or do you now about CPSP [CORE POST STROKE PAIN ]?? Well it seems I can add that to my life style. I have always had a heaviness in my arm from the shoulder down. the leg goes from heavy to numb. About this time last year I had some like electric shocks in the lower leg and foot. We thought it was the brain doing some reconnecting. But I have started to have cramps and burning in my upper leg now that at times want me to just cut it off. the back of my shoulder is an ache all the time. That heaviness seems to stay all the time and the pain increase when ever it wants. Not to sure what to make of this ? The doc. were told but it has gotten worse over time. I will see one of them next week and ask what to do, meds stretching yoga anything. I just wanted to know if this just ME our have any of you had this happen? what have you all done if any thing that works? So far ben gay or moist heat seem to help a little. Thanks for your ear any help would be great. O yea I found cpsp on line it is every thing that I have been going through so I am pretty sure that is what it is.
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