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It's been a while



So much has happened since my last blog.


On 5/5 the doc at the ECF ordered the same antibiotic that he had prescribed three weeks prior for Dan's UTI. What in the name of heaven made him think that the drug that didn't work three weeks ago would suddenly work now??? I had a hissy fit and requested another physician. The new physician reviewed Dan's chart and the next day Dan was sent to the hospital. Four days later he was transferred to ICU with pneumonia in both lungs and sepsis. His UTI was actually two different bacteria that were both drug resistant. The infectious disease doc put him on an antibiotic called Colistimethate that is, pretty much, a last resort antibiotic. It can affect the kidneys. Fortunately the drug seems to have worked and, so far, his kidneys are ok. He was moved to a regular room last night. He's still not eating or drinking so he's having a PEG put in tomorrow. They're going to try and use the spot where the PEG was right after his stroke.


I managed to do something to my foot last week. I can't put any pressure on it so I've been using a cane and putting ice on it whenever I can. I was so exhausted yesterday that I didn't go to the hospital. I didn't do anything productive. The only walking I did was from the sofa to the bathroom or kitchen. I do feel a little better today.


I've decided that I need to start taking better care of myself. I hardly ever wear makeup any more, I seem to always wear blue jeans, and my hair is suddenly very, very gray, I think the gray hair happened overnight. :rolleyes: So, I've decided to do something about it. I'm going to get my hair highlighted, I'm going to stop wearing jeans all the time and start wearing makeup again. Hmmm, guess I need to buy some makeup first, since mine was all purchased pre-stroke and is pretty much dried up. Of course, all of this means that I need to find the time to go to the hairdresser and the store. Somewhat of a Catch-22, but I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!


I'm still trying to figure out when I became a little old gray haired lady in blue jeans, no make-up, and limping around with a cane. I've always liked the Maxine cartoons, but I never really thought I'd end up looking like her!! :big_grin:


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Hi Mary Jo. I'm sorry to hear about Dan's set back and hope he is doing better now. Yes, we all need to take care of ourselves or we will end up in the hospital too. I know it is so easy to forget to do things for ourselves as we are always too busy caring for others. :juggle: Also, the guilty feelings come around when we tend to do something special for ourselves. So, I say go get yourself into a beauty parlor, get a massage, get a pedicure. Your deserve it. It will make you feel better and more energetic. :thumbsu:




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Well Mary Jo, the good thing is, you are still here above ground and your spouse is to and you are there for him and yourself. I feel that same way at times, guess cause I'm not walking unassisted yet.


Looking at the many wounded soldiers here, I tell myself I'm thankful to be alive. They tell me they are too glad to be alive while some of their fellow soldiers were blown away by ieds hitting their vehicles.


So, it's tough being a care giver but you must take some time for you!


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MaryJo: I so needed you tonight! Spent the last two weeks on a different schedule due to a caregiver on vacation. I was on deck for all the day stuff, then Leo came for dinner and bed and I went to work. Work is easy-uniform. And while I shower almost everyday because of our pool schedule, never do my hair or moisturize.


I feel like a hag. Best way to describe it. I stopped having my hair colored. Too much time and money. But if I don't keep it short, can't get away with quick shampoo and air dry. I had a closet full of designer clothers, most have gone to my sister now. Stick with pull on denim pants or a pair of brown cords. Half the time I don't even remember what I wear up top. Usually a too big sweatshirt that was my Mom's.


Was reflecting tonight on the last two weeks. Part of me wants to stick with that schedule. Leo cooks-the girls do not, so I did not have to spend Sunday prepping food for the week. On my day shifts, I get home at 2pm, still have to deal with dinner and bed and am exhausted. With the 4pm to 8pm, I defrost, Leo plans and Bruce is clean, dry, fed and in bed when I get home. Kitchen is immaculate and trash taken out. I have time for personal grooming, a shower-shampoo and clean PJs.


I am pleased that you were head's up for Dan. Sorry about the Peg having to be reinserted. So tough to have set backs. this has been a very long haul for you and I am sorry you are not feeling well. But I think if you can stick to your convictions, this may make you even stronger. Best, Debbie

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MaryJo, greetings from one gray haired lady to another! Yep, hairdressers is where I take Ray once a month and myself...not often. Then it is just for a quick cut. Makeup was something I did when young, a smear of lipstick and some sun screen in summer is about all I use now.


I've had a series of mishaps this year caused by doing too much so I know that old lady feeling - so far no walking stick though.


This is just another set-back, like Ray when he had a few falls followed by the pelvis break, a few months at home followed by the chest infection etc. It seems to be a part of the post-stroke journey and I guess we just get used to it and build it into our lives.


I hope everything resolves now and you get Dan home to enjoy at least some of the summer with you this year.



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Mary Jo, You have me laughing. Don't me so hard on yourself. You have been juggling everything and no one to share the burden..

I was so glad to hear you pushed forward to as for a another physician.. Dan couldn't do it without you. I can see what Dan seen in you, and ain't letting you go. lol

You are such a go scheduler, schedule yourself in for me time. Dan would want you to and you know it.

Mary Jo you and Dan make a great team. But the team can only be great if both persons take care of themselves. Since Dan has been stroked and unable to care for you you have to do it. and do it now.

you'll feel better, look better, and take care of Dan with a better attitude. (not that you have a bad attitude). lol get rid of that old hag and become the wonder woman that you are.:happydance: lol

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