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The Godly Husband or Wife



This past week I read so many post and blogs where the couple, be them married or not, show their love for each other in this time of need when one of them is in sickness or not so good health! I call that living up to the vows or the love they have acquired for each other over the years.


Just a few years ago it seemed like if one partner had a stroke the other one was ready to call it quits and walk away from the relationship like it was nothing at all. Now I really enjoy reading the board and blogs where one partner is in need and the other partner is right on the case trying to do what ever it takes to get healing going and comforts continue. In sickness and in health we should try all we can to care for our loved one. In some cases the care giver role has changed to survivor role. It can happen to any one of us at any time.


More and more now we have to care for our parents just like they cared for us all those years. So our chances of being a care giver increases by generations. Strokes are here to stay and we know now they can hit anybody at any moment. Then there is breast cancer, colon cancer and still others that can make us survivors any day!


If we just take time to think...We got together in a relationship that was friendship first, then it kept growing in our knowledge of each other over the years. We were looking for a partner, perhaps a life partner for a lasting relationship whether we got married or not, we intended to be together 'till death do us part! At that point in time we started to look for qualities in each other along with family values. We wanted a loving person who loved God and would treat us in a righteous manner and the wellness to remain stable in thoughts and actions.


We began to look for trustworthiness, love, care and kindness to each other. Soon after that time marriage began to be discussed, then family and kids. That takes integrity, family orientation, ambitious thinking and hard work to make a Godly family with a strong union. We would love to think God is in the plan and cares for us. When that happens we are the only ones to break the loving ways we started by letting our minds and actions wonder where the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence or the roadway!


After having gone through three marriages myself and been left sitting on the sidewalk I know now what love and marriage means to me. To see it here on a stroke site is very heart warming to me. I never want to be left alone or by myself again. It pleases me so much to ready the good life stories where we really care for our partners in sickness and in health.


All of you come to mind as I have read your post and blogs but Sue and Ray will stand out as she has dealt with so much sickness in her family with her parents. Then to have faced so much in the way of sickness with her husband Ray having had so many strokes over a number of years is remarkable to me. I was amazed at her character when I first joined stroke net in how she kept busy caring for Ray and still had time for herself.To this day I don't see how she did it without God being in the picture.


Now I know from experience how God cares for those who believe in Him. I've been married for the fourth time for 13 long years to a wonderful woman who never thought she would ever be a care giver to a husband! By the same time we have both belonged to a baptist church with no plans on leaving our congregation there!


As most of you know I'm a prayer warrior now but don't get me wrong perhaps anyone can survive not knowing God or having a belief in a higher power, I'm just saying it really has helped me to be how and where I am. Especially when I look back 40 years ago and where I was then. I know my mom stayed on her knees praying for my survival! I'm praying for all of you here and myself to overcome what we face in sickness and in health!


I'm saying God loves you and I do too! :big_grin:



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Fred: thank you for those wonderful thoughts. All of us have those days when we need a little reminder of who we are and what we believe.


My Mom was a Deacon in her church. When she passed, I received her prayer list. Over the years have added my own of course. I am still praying for people I have no clue who they are, but if they were important to Mom, then I do it in her honor.


Thank you again, Debbie

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Debbie, that's another way of honoring your mother right on and you'll get your blessings and longer days on this earth as promised by God for your deeds! Bless you my dear you mean so much to the members here. :big_grin:


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