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I'm Back and Better than Ever



Well I went to the Neurologist today and was released from his care. They were not able to find a cause for my stroke after checking the common causes for my age group such as a hole in the heart, dissection, and a blood cotting disorder. In his experience he found that one of two things happen, people generally live stroke free healthy productive lives or they stroke again and don't go back to see him cause they figure he was wrong and don't know what he's talking about. However, he does keep a file for those unknown 30% for future updates in case research shows otherwise, then he'll give me a call.


So out with the old and in with the new. And so I'm moving on with a new attitude, look, place, and it would be nice to package it all together with a new man. Lol We'll see how that goes but I'm sitting around waiting on it that's for sure.


But I suppose it would have been nice to know so that I'm not always wondering if will happen again and be worse. When in actuallity it could have been worse the first time and I not be here so I just need to get rid of that thinking and be thankful that I'm still here to tell my story and encourage others. This experience has taught me two important lessons, one I'm not in complete control of my destiny and two it's not about me. This is God's plan and will for my life, I'm just a vessel used for his mission, and all the credit, glory, and praise goes to him.


In a weird way, and I mean weird. I'm kinda glad it happened. I truly am a better person because of It. I really enjoy helping other people, I'm happier and I try each and every day to put a smile on someone's face to brighten up their day because life is too short not to.




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good post - Pam --- i figure you and i have the same odds of having a stroke then - you another me my first---- i hope that does not happen but as dan and i found out "anything " can happen.. continue to visit us here i have enjoyed your writtings..nancyl

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Pam :


first & foremost you have great attitude, I feel same way about my stroke, we don't have control over lot of things in life, might as well do our best & make life worthwhile for us & others in oour life by doing our best. no point in worrying about another stroke, just enjoy your today & make best present possible for yourself & people in your life.



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Well that's all good Pam but it scares me if I wouldn't know what caused the stroke like some doctors ask me why I'm not taking aspirins? I say because I had a brain bleed! Their answers are OK, no you don't need to be on aspirins!


Long as you know what you need to do or not do that's what counts! Yea, I figure it was God's plan for my life too or I could have been robbed and shot coming out the door of the bowling center at night with a bag of money from my business for the whole day!


Everyone knew I was making plenty money and much more than my competitors at other centers. I had all the customers by giving them what they wanted and drilling their balls the way that helped them roll better and higher games!


I had all the new balls, shoes and stuff they saw on TV and the other shops wouldn't stock the new stuff like I did! Then I gave discounts and they bought more stuff!!


And a new picture too..go head girl you got it going on!! The new man will come the same way my new wife came after waiting a long time for Ms. Right now it's been 14 years and we are like one and very happy! The longest I ever been married!!

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Hello Pam, good new, and great attuide. Things happen and my Mom always say everything happen for a reason. Yes God, has a plan for all of us and he knows how to get our attention. God bless, Pam hope you keepin touch.God bless.

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Pam, I have gone through the same as far as not knowing what caused my strokes. I have gone through numerous tests and nothing jumps out. The good thing is I have gone through all the tests and I can say that I do NOT have a brain tumor, my heart is good, so I guess in that respect it is a good thing that I had my strokes too. Take care

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