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Does Anybody Really Care

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I'm Back and Better than Ever

Well I went to the Neurologist today and was released from his care. They were not able to find a cause for my stroke after checking the common causes for my age group such as a hole in the heart, dissection, and a blood cotting disorder. In his experience he found that one of two things happen, people generally live stroke free healthy productive lives or they stroke again and don't go back to see him cause they figure he was wrong and don't know what he's talking about. However, he does kee



When it hits so close to home.

I went to my second cousin’s funeral yesterday who passed from a heart attack I guess, not really sure, didn’t get all the details. I really didn’t want to go because not sure if I could handle that because the whole experience is so close to home.   So I’m having one of my shutdown days and stuck in my room. I don’t even want to talk to anybody about it because they will all think that I’m taking it too personal and it wasn’t me. And I really don’t have anybody that I can talk to anyway t



Does Anyone Really Care

I’m surrounded by family home but sometimes I really don’t feel the love. I know they love and care about me but not very good at showing it at times. I’m truly thankful that my stroke didn’t cause any real significant problems but the loss of left peripheral vision is enough for me to know that things have changed. But everybody thinks and treats me like nothing happened and minimizes my concerns like it’s no big deal. I suppose if I had a problem that they could actually see it would be di

