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single parent in snowstorm



hubby & I have not lived apart since stroke, it has been over 9 years of joined by hip, so when this recent snowstorm made him stay near his office we were both worried how I would handle it, but ofcourse I am blessed in our child's department suddenly he was most agreeable teen & would listen to all my instructions, and was amazingly kind in looking after me. hen I asked if he can stay with me till I fall asleep, he was kind enough to do that so that I don't feel lonely. We got more than 6 inch of snow & luckily I got private contractor to clean our driveway for money. kido has midterm exams from tomorrow so I wanted him to study for his exams which he did. It has been so cold that I have stopped going out for my walk. I was so worried about being all alone, but I am glad we did alright & my confidence level in my parenting also increased which is good :)




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Goes to show - "when the chips are down" you can count on your young man to help you.. same with my kids... you have raised him right... he is still a teen and it is his "Job" to be as disagreeable as possible... but when you needed him he was there.. sounds like a bonding snowstorm...

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Asha: glad you are both safe and warm and shoveled out. Love it when they step up without having to ask. And then to do it so agreeably and be pleased that they did. Good job honey!

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i have a 21-year-old son who often times behaves like a teenager especially with the not wanting to take responsibility thing. It's so nice when they surprise you in a good way. The last storm we had, hubby and I decided to stay in bed a bit late and when we got up we were pleasantly surprised to discover that our son had already gone out and started on the shoveling! We usually have to badger him to get his help. So, there is hope for our young ones. So glad your experience was positive.

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Asha, I see you smiling ear from ear! When they step up you feel so good inside, and you know that you have done a good job! Wish him well in his mid term. Sorry that you can not even go for a walk, it better to be safe, and the weather will get better.



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It's great to see your years of worrying about Ashay are proving to be unnecessary. With such incredible role models we never had any doubt.

When I was young and dating, my father would tell mr to pay close attention to how a guy treated his mother as well as how his father did because it was the true indication of how much respect he had for women and the real way he'd treat me, not what he wanted me to think.

Ashay's behavior is a clear reflection of the value your husband has for your feelings, safety, and well being. You are very blessed.

He will be a man of character like your husband, with a warm, kind heart like you.




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Maria :


thank you so much for your kind words, somehow every one loves my husband more than me their own friend, even my good friends of-course I am not complaining but I am jealous though I feel lucky & fortunate married great guy



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I know you feel so proud to have been put to the test and all was well! Knowing that it all was ok, should give a sense of empowerment and peace, at the same time -KUDOS!

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