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Doing better mentally but not physically



Thank you all for your comments on my last blog. I have some good news. I went to Virginia for a Singles Retreat with a local church. I was just SO grateful so see all of the beautiful water, bridges, tunnels, trees covered in snow, etc with no anxiety! I navigated the hotel, walked through large malls and spent the 3 days with a group of strangers. No anxiety, panic, depression, etc. It was such a blessing. Just a few months ago I felt like my life was over. Im so glad God let me live to experience the great things He had in store for me.


Also, yesterday I got a kitten! She is a handful but I love her already. Pets are not allowed in my apartment complex but my property manager said I can get a letter from my psychiatrist saying I need a companion and it will be ok. My kitten's name is Lulu. She's very active so she does not snuggle with me but I like taking care of her, playing with her, and just knowing she's here with me. She has helped my loneliness, fear of the dark, and anxiety (because Im thinking about her more than myself and she keeps me so busy).


Part of my therapy last week was to write a list of things I dont like about myself. This week my assignment is to decide what I can and cant change on the list. Next week we will go over accepting what I cant change and how to change what I can. The only issue is majority of the things I wrote ARE things I cant change or things out of my control. If I just needed to get my left side stronger, I could just exercise. But I have so much tone its not that simple and very frustrating trying to use my hand, stretch, etc during this cold season, I dont know how I can fix my vision, and the only thing I can do for my leg is wait until its time for a new brace. I met a couple people during my trip that either had a stroke or new someone that had a stroke and they all fully recovered. I just get so tired of people telling me if I just exercise and pray, I will get my left side back. Im kinda just ready to accept this is the way it is, the way its been, and the way its going to be.


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I'm so glad you had the trip to Virginia and had that perspective on your life as it is now.  Yes there is a brightness about your life that was't here before. Nice you have a kitten for company, takes the edge off coming home to an empty apartment. 

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I'm happy for you Katrina hope this feeling stays with you for a long time and your physical being catches up with you so you can feel good all the time!!!!


I have a lady that comes in all week to help me do my physical things like using my bicycle, walking outside, and exercising plus fixing breakfast... My wife goes to work early most days each week and the lady is here to help me do things safely...

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my friend lucy - 4 paws and meows- is not just a convience she is a necessity. and she so well takes my mind of ME!


so glad to hear of your much decreased anxiety level. anxiety is much no fun.




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Katrina :


I am so happy for you. I am glad you got Lulu.having pet or children is huge help, it makes you take focus on some one else  other than you. I am glad you are seeing firsthand that in life you do get some good days & some bad days. when going through bad day just remember sun always come out & is just hiding behind cloud on bad days, & will come out eventually so just hang on those tough days.



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Critters are always a good thing. In a few months she'll settle down and maybe start snuggling. I have two cats - one loves to snuggle and the other one hates being held but has to sleep with me every night.

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Please to read that you are doing better.  Having a pet will help, some one else to think of

that is always good.  Keep thinking positive!


Hugs Yvonne

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