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Just a quick catch up



Life hasent changed much since my last blog. The depression lingers, I hate it. Dan is still in the nursing home and seems to have adjusted. BUT he manipulates himself out a lot ( who can blame him though) . He goes out more days than he stays in..

It has been a relatively decent summer for us. My daughter in Baker MT lost her home to a tornando then 2 weeks later both their pick up and car got hailed out. But they have insurance no one was hurt ( they were not home).

Had another grandbaby Levi. Took me 6 weeks to get the nerve to take Dan and drive out to MN to meet the little guy.

My youngest is struggeling with her own depression - some of it is normal growing up issues ( she's 20) some of it is all the family trauma.

My oldest got promoted at her job at the hospital , she is the department head of sterile processing. Proud of her.

My Weston ( grandson) - is growing like a weed. I love picking him up from daycare/ now school. he runs and hugs me so hard.. and he loves his grandpa. Weston although 5 pays attention to grandpas nonverbal clues and will say - grandpa has to go to the bathroom.... and he loves to check on grandpa. They Dan and Weston play a lot of "ball" --- that kid can catch a ball and throw..So Dan has a few lessons he can still pass on....

I still work , I still see Dan everyday twice a day , I still drink... But that's life...... Nancyl


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Nancy, coping is all about knowing what you can handle, at your age and situation I would probably be much the same.  I am glad you get some joy out of life, it is all we can do.  Thanks for the update, we are a community here and I do feel concern for those we don't hear from for a while.  I know there are rarely happy endings but if you are reasonably contented with your life as I am then that is a good life.

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Nancy :


thanks for update, good to know not all days were gloom & doom there are some great things happening around you too. I am so gld your daughter   & her family is all fine & its just material things they lost. congrats to your other daughter fir her promotion. can't believe westin is so grown up now



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Been worried about you.   Glad you took the time to catch us up!   Although, life doesn't get any easier....we learn to tolerate the bad times, and treasure the good times.   I'm still reeling from the death of our youngest son, but each day gets a little bit better.   Gary has a tougher time understanding it all, so has more bad days than good days, but we manage.   You're still here with us, and that's a good thing!



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Congrats on been a New Grandma. Also Westin, is growing up and the joy he is bringing to you and Dan is Priceless.


Please that you both are smiling , and it is not all dark and gloom. Enjoy




those times with your Grandson, my Grandkids bring me so much love into my li


life. Please your daughter and husband are safe, and well, things can be replace, but life is imporant.


Take care Nancy, keep on trucking.



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