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I have decided to retire from SN as a blog moderator



After four years of service as a Blog moderator I have decided to retire from Strokenet from my volunteer position. I have gained a lot of support and friendship during my last 6 years of post stroke journey. I was so thankful when I found this support group during my early dark days of post stroke journey. During that time great volunteers and mentors at SN held my hand and helped me navigate darkest alley of my post stroke life. I am forever thankful and indebted to those individuals. I can't thank them enough. They introduced me to blogging, and I realized during that time power of blogging. I found blogging hugely therupetic and decided to give back any ways I can, so I started volunteering here as Blog moderator. I will be still around as SN member giving support and holding newbies hand but as member and not as blog moderator. I know I was able to wean myself off from antidepressant pills, but I know it will be hard to wean myself off from my blogworld. I know power of these blogs, so I am not even going to try it, so you will see me around. I urge all of you to give blogging a shot. if it helped me It can help every one.




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Guest lwisman


Good luck to you in your future endeavors Asha!


Your work is appreciated. Thanks!


Cya around the board!



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Hi Asha:


Thank you so much for your work as blog (blawg) moderator and all of your efforts to help

others get started on blogging. As well, thank you for all the ways you have helped,

and i am sure will continue to help, other survivors and garegivers on this site.


your positive attitude is always helpful.





:Popcorn: :Popcorn: :Popcorn: :Popcorn: want some popcorn? :D

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I must say you will be missed doing that job on a volunteer basis as we all did. I hated to stop being the Welcome Committee host too but we have to do what's next in our lives. I enjoyed it so much, my computer skills were not up to my brain level and I needed more income at the time.


Enjoy your big trophy you'll get from Steve and the site, you know you did what you wanted and now you must move on to other things and your growing family.


We'll all miss you but thank God you will still be around to hold the newbies and all our hands! Your boys will welcome you to their homework time at home and you'll be all smiles. Your husband may be smiling too!


I'll be looking for your post and comments!

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Hey Asha

For the short period I've been blogging you have been a great supporter. You will be missed, but you like you said, you'd still be around. Good though that your volunteering has also helped you get over your depression, I'll see you again. Your effort is deeply appreciated.

Good luck in your endeavours.



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Asha, you have given so much to so many of us at Stroke Net. I am thankful you were there for me. We are all on our life journies and they change from year to year. Thank you, Asha.

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oh asha i wish you nothing but the very best in all that you do asha you have taught me so munch in knowing you you always have a kind word for all of the members and yeas i will be using the blog because it does do me a world of good and i know that where ever you go and do the place that you decide to help it won"t take long before they realise how good you are at what you do, and i will always miss our chat , i will be thinking of you often ash and thank you for for all that you do for stroke net

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Dearest Asha: I wouldn't want to follow in your shoes. You have been a wonderful blog moderator and were always there for all of us. Many volunteer jobs are thankless ones so I hope you know how much everyone, especially bloggers, appreciate all you have done. I'm happy you will still be around so we can enjoy your wisdom and humor.

BTW, I have another good book for you. I'll post it in the blog comunity so I can share with all. I will always remember some of the spiritual books we shared a few years ago which I am sure helped us both on this mysterious path.

You are a courageous, smart and brave young lady (I can say that since I'm now 67!) It is where our hearts are and how we give to others which makes a difference on this road called life. :hug: Love to you, Leah

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Hi Asha,


I just stopped by to check a reference that I gave today for a newspaper interview. While here I came across your post. You have been very faithful in your duties for the past four years. You have always been very kind to me whenever I would post to my blog. Thank you!


I wish you well in whatever the future holds for you.


I have been very busy with the Heart and Stroke Foundation in our province. I have also been working with a caregivers group and attended a workshop on stroke in Quebec City in June. Just today I had a one hour national conference call with a national stroke committee, A video recorded testimonial for the P,E.I. Dept of Health on a new skills based healthy living program, a local newspaper interview and a meeting with a Jr. writers group that I also work with.


There are lots of things to get involved with in our local communities when we have arrived at that point in our recovery.


BTW Kyle is doing very well. He spends about 4 - 6 weeks in rehab and then 4 - 6 months at home. He tells me that he is still very much experiencing improvement.


take care, smiles :)



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Best of luck to you, Asha. I agree with Gary: there a lots of things in the community to get involved in and arriving at that point in your recovery where you can start making time for those things is a healthy and good sign. So don't forget, there's all kinds of blog communities out there in the world beyond Strokenet if you start missing writing too much.

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