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Thanks for birthday wishes



I would like to thank everyone for my birthday wishes last month, had a lovely day.


I have not blogged for such a long time, I just don't seem to have the time or anything interesting to talk about as each day is the same as the day before. We don't get vistors anymore apart from family now and then as they live too far for weekly visits. We see them maybe every 3 months or so but talk often on the phone. We did enjoy see our granddaughter and her three children in August, they stayed for 10 days.


Over the Christmas holidays we hope to go to the country and spend Christmas with him and his family, they want us to move up beside them and he wants us to look at land and have a house built on his estate so we are close enough for Bill to pop around to see them in a few minutes. We will wait and see when we get there, it would be lovely to have them close and would look forward to spending more time with them but not live in their pockets.


Well must go now ...things to do and will try and get into chat this morning.




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oh doreen i am so glad that you had a great birthday, and that you will get to do alot of traveling for christmas, i hope that you will continue to have a wonderful time, and thank you for the update all the bestto you doreen

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Doreen, I am just back from visiting with my daughter and her family. I would love to live close by them but she moves every three years so one day she would move and leave me behind.


Good luck with your search for land close to your son and family,I agree with the thought that for Bill a son close by might be just what he needs. We are so lucky that our younger son lives just down the road from us.


I think I wished you happy birthday on Facebook but if not I am glad it was a happy one for you.



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