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About this blog

First time for me writing a blog, it is over a year now since my husband had his stroke.

Entries in this blog

Thanks for birthday wishes

I would like to thank everyone for my birthday wishes last month, had a lovely day.   I have not blogged for such a long time, I just don't seem to have the time or anything interesting to talk about as each day is the same as the day before. We don't get vistors anymore apart from family now and then as they live too far for weekly visits. We see them maybe every 3 months or so but talk often on the phone. We did enjoy see our granddaughter and her three children in August, they stayed for



Refeshed after Respite.

Well all was well with Bill and son Steve while I was away for my respite break, Steve did a couple of jobs around the house that needed doing such as putting back some tiles that had came off in the shower and fixed a leak in the toilet. Steve said all was ok, they went out to the local shops and he took him to the Botanical Gardens.   The group was very friendly and we all got on well and I am going to make a dvd of all the photos we took, the two ladies from the organisation that arrang



Going on respite

I am pleased to say I am going to have a break.   Son Steve & family came down last Saturday for a few days as the kids are on 2 weeks holiday. They left Wednesday, Steve could not get his dad to change his mind and go into respite while I went to the country with the carers support group so he told me he wanted me to have this break and he would look after his dad.   He will come down on the Mon night, I leave 9am Tuesday morning 7th Oct and come back 5pm Friday 10th Oct. His wife Jen



Chance of a break with the carers support group

I belong to my local carers support group and they rang to say they are going to the country from the 6th Oct -11th Oct and did I need a break. Do I need a break!!!! I sure do. I have never had a break since Bill had is stroke last May, he will not go into respite. I have plenty of time to try and change his mind as I have said yes and we will see what happens.   I do need a break and everyone, including our doctor as tried to explain to Bill that I need to recharge my batteries



First Time Blog For Me

Well it is over a year since my husband Bill had his stroke, we were on holiday in the UK only 2 weeks when it happened. It was May 25th, we got to the hospital and the doctor said she thought he was having a stroke and was sending him for an x-ray, well he came back semi-unconscious. He had the big one while at the x-ray dept.   He was in hospital for 4 months, went from hospital to airport, from airport to hospital when we got home to Australia. Another month in hospital, he has

