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Update on Bill



Bill siees to be tolerating the Chemo as well as to be expected. We are getting a food basket prepared for us once a week from the wonderful ladies in our church It all helps I am so NOT prepared to be a caregiver and yet I must not only step into the role I have to excel at it. Thursday we find out if they schedule another 3-4 weeks of chemotherapy for Bill. He is doing ok on it Each session leaves him a bit more vulnerable and less able to get through the drill


I have thought so many times what do you do when these may be the last time we get to do the very best things ws can do for each other Is this our last Valentines day? Was Last Christmas our last together And through this I am somehow supposed to make it the best ever I so want to get our lives back Go out in the Motor home and do fun things again Love Karen


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I am gld that Bill is tolerating chemo well. celebrate each day with each other be it going in car to grocery store or lake. enjoy every minute t fullest, none of us know exact expiration date stamped on our feet.So we have to make best out of every day given to us as present by God.



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Karen: you are feeling what all caregivers have gone through: the great unknown. Bill is a real trooper to go through all of this. You both are in my prayers daily. Have hope for a positive outcome.


It is nice to hear of the support you are getting from your Church. Those ladies are truely doing Jesus' work.


Take it one day at a time. Relish all the good; the smiles, laughs, hugs, hand holding. I have no doubt that you are handling things wonderfully and Bill must be so proud of you. Remember to make each day special. Take some time out to just be together and enjoy each other's company.

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Karen I have been away for ten days and you have been constantly in my prayers.I am so glad that so far you have managed to take over the caregiver role. You have big shoes to fill.


Bill will need so much TLC ( tender loving care) from you an d the family but it will have to be gentle and unobtrusive so it does not undermine his confidence in himself. I wish I was there to join your "team".


I was thrilled to read the church has given you the practical aid of a food basket. You need to be fed as you wait, watch and pray. Give them all a hug, lots of healing in food prepared with love.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Thinking and praying for you and Bill... glad to hear he is tolerating the chemo well. Like Asha said there is no expiration date stamped on us, each day is precious and a gift from God.


Sending positive thoughts, strength and grace.


Hugs Anne

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Yes, those same thoughts would be running thru my mind. This may be the last time that I get to do this.

RElish you time together. You have the right ideas. Be the best you can.

Tell him that you love him as often as can.


You and Bill are in my prayers always.


I do wish that we were all closer and could help more.



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