
Stroke Survivor - female
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About smarshall

  • Birthday 01/23/1960

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  • Stroke Network Email
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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  • Interests
    Music, my PC, reading, my dog, crochet
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  1. Hang in there, Kelli! ((((hug))))
  2. Thank you for getting back to me. Aside from COVID, much has been happening in my life so I haven't been on the site at all. (That's going to change.) 😊
  3. As I'm sure you've heard this by now, each stroke IS different. I was 36 when I had mine, and was unable to do most everything when I was transferred to rehab. The physical, occupational, and speech therapists were relentless, but very patient and kind also. I also agree with heathber, "Also remind her that it takes time and will be hard work, rest is good but so is work, even just practicing the movements in your mind helps. it's about try, fail, try again, and repeat and repeat and repeat. Stroke recovery is seldom linear it will go forwards and sometimes backwards. don't be discouraged, celebrate the small wins and know that repeating them may be harder than you expect. Brain healing also needs plenty of sleep and good nutrition." 🤗
  4. Hi, Not being a gamer, I had never heard of "Steam." I'm glad you got your issue resolved. 😊
  5. I have been away from this site for a long time and had no idea that Steve had passed. Please, when? Thanks.
  6. I'd love to connect with survivors/caregivers who live in this beautiful place. 🌳
  7. Hi Kelli, I was given Trazadone too. It worked well, but I couldn't continue. (Major brain fog the morning after. ) Hope you have a better experience!
  8. Agree! My 'gratitude chip' started working soon after I wrote the initial post. As it turns out my ex and his family will be there, and even though I don't bare any ill feelings I look at not going as a plus.
  9. Thanks for your responses. My son lives about 1½ hours from me; he can't come because he's on call and has to stay close to home. I'm not feeling down about it today, which is nice! I appreciate your responses, thanks again.
  10. My son has to be on call for work on Thanksgiving, so he's invited a bunch of people to his new house. My husband has to work, I don't drive; I can't go. It's been years since my stroke, and I think I've done a pretty decent job of accepting my physical deficits. Today though, this really, really, really stinks!
  11. Whatever happened to do the right thing? Kelli's right - that IS shameful!
  12. I'm having a rough, emotional morning. A close friend of the family recently had a cardiac event that hospitalized him, and after having an MRI, it was determined that there was evidence of two old strokes. I haven't spoken to him directly, he hasn't any paralysis, and have learned that he seems very confused, can't drive, and his brother couldn't understand him while talking with him on the phone. Apparently he's seeing his PMD this Friday. I realize that he and his wife are taking care of it in their own way, and that's the way it is, but I'm really scared for him. I think it stems from my own experience; at the same time my level of emotional response seems (to me) inappropriate. Brain short-circuit?