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renovating 101

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Tommorrow we will begin our journey to the end of an era.. We will leave from Calgary to Kelowna BC, where we will meet up with the rest of the family. With my brothers and sister and some of Mom and Dad's friends we will have a funeral Mass, lunch and mingle with the people. From there we will go on to a private internment of their ashes..It will be a sad day for us as it is a final resting place for people we all loved.. Dad passed away 20 years ago and Mom still had his ashes as she wanted



mom's gone

I haven't been blogging for a while but have enjoyed all of your blogs...still tired most of the time and when not I want to use the energy to get the things done that I have to do in order to organize my life better.. My Mom passed away this morning so that has kept us on the phone trying to make her life happier in her last moments.. we knew she was leaving us and were not able to see her as the roads were not very good in the mountains and the staff told us she did not know or respond .. D



renovating 101

one more attempt to re enforce instructions as I think I have left this too long... Now that fall is here and the weather is not as nice outside one wants to stay home a bit more and deal with the more inside stuff... Still lots to do before snow flies but may have more time to blog as I really enjoy everyone else's news...after a day of fencing with hubby I am pretty exhausted and it is time for bed, so have written down the instructions again and just have to keep at it till I can succeed . I



much better day

We had a much better day than the last two days.. Seems hubby's' blood pressure was quite elevated which caused him a very bad headache and terrible frame of mind... very hard to deal with one who is unable to please.. Today like a different person,,more like the guy I married. :cheer: : :laughbounce: :cheer: :cloud9: We worked together all day and it was like old times , so must check the pressure more often.. Hope this goes through..tired again still renovating...




I think I'll try again as I don't see my blog on the blogs sent. maybe i'm looking too fast but will try again..




heat turned on,,, happy happy... scissor lift in place,,, hubby trying to remember how to run it... well first attempt at cutting an angle on a mitre saw actually not too bad.. started to put up blocking and all went well but awful funny smell. Finished some off blocking and found air too hard to work in so had to quite and call the plumber as carbonmonoxide was coming into the shop and made it too hard to work...plumber came and found a large birds nest blocking the chimney. Good thing we re




well today was supposed to be the day to get heat . I woke at six in order not to sleep in so I could get a hold of the required people to get this together.. well got a hold of the adjoining neighbour and found him to be kind of grumpy,,,the energy people were clueless,the plumber was on time..well the grumpy neighbour showed up to put his guard dogs in the building,the plumber stayed and the energy lady was still clueless, put me on hold several times. 10 o'clock was the time to get all toge




got the third wall done and ready to insulate... plumber showed up to turn on the heat, so hope he turns it on soon has to test the lines first... hope everyone gets their part done as it involves several steps... feeling a better today hope that dam flu leaves as so much to do.not very interesting but have made progress



sick of feeling sick

not much to report , finished one more wall but have to level it yet,, not much energy today,still have the flu and it just wipes me...morning not bad but afternoon and evening to get this building done before it gets cold..maybe they will turn on the heat got to get inspected first.... now off to bed and hope I feel better in the morning...



my building adventure

nothing to report today... day of rest and research on how to deal with communication problems that are recuring.... me thinks I have to do the thinking and things will work out it's just to get the thoughts to register. : :big_grin: I think I have made some progress once he sees how much better my idea will work I think he'll be able to put it together with my help :big_grin: :big_grin: :big_grin: that's tommorows woes..wish me luck aand thanks for the info scooterman...



my building adventure

Me thinks I found the page to write on ....very tiring day of building with some one who knows lots but has forgotten....ripped down two walls and attempted to do what I said in the first place, he finally realized I was right??? good thing I am so adept at gofering now I can be head gofer and advisor????think we'll take the day off tommorow and recupe hope it stays warm so we can carry on,,,,will fill you in on the next episode wall #3 on monday......

