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Random thoughts and observations

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Guardian Angel animals Anyone have one???????

I have a cat named Cat. Hey don't laugh I didn't pick out her name. She acts more like a dog than a cat. When she need more food or should I say fresh food she will let me know. She is very picky. If the dry food sts for more than a few hours in her dish she wants "new" food put in and then she will eat it. Some how she knows where to stop because the "older" food is always left behind. :uhm: When she wants to go outside she will sit at the door and meow and if you aren't paying attention



The day that changed my life forever

It was Saturday September 24, 2005 a typical summer day in Phoenix, Arizona. HOT!!!!! I had come back from a drive clearing my head a bit. I had been arguing with my fiance' (now husband) so I went to "cool off" hard to do in the heat. LOL I had just put pork chops in the oven for dinner and went outside to watch the kids riding their bikes. My 6 year old (now 7) was showing off. He kept saying "watch me mom". I was sitting in the chair on my porch just watching him ride back and forth.



what if you could????

I was having a kind of bad day yesterday. Not physically but emotionally. I was thinking of an episode of Friends I had seen the other day and it got me thinking. For the record I am happy in my marriage I guess it was just a what if kind of thought. The episode talked about a "List" they had made. The list was of the 5 celebrities they would like to "be with" for one night if they could with no strings or problems with who they were with at the time.   Here is my list in no particular



Phoenix bus system

Have you ever had something taken away from you?? Sometimes life throws things at you that you don't expect and you loose things you have had. Take driving for example. I haven't driven since Sept. I have a wonderful husband and son who take me to do anything I need or want to do. But there are just times when I want to jump in my truck and go somewhere. I miss those days. Simple things that you don't realize until you can't have or don't have any more. When was the last time you were on

