hvmom's Blog

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who I am and used to be

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Let me get back to you on that

Making follow-up phone calls to the 10 resumes sent out this morning by email was difficult. My voice does not sound like I remember. I had a sweet, clear voice. Midway through most phone calls I realize I am slurring and sound slightly drunk. No wonder no one ever calls back when they say they will, but I keep trying. Interviews are tortuous also, I start to get self-conscious and controlling my voice gets hard. After not being able to swallow liquids for so long and the choking all the time



May 10, 2007

I dont know if anyone else obsesses about dates and times like I do, but I am fixated on the first anniversary of my stroke-not Mothers Day or anything else that falls around that date. I wish I could erase that date and make it as if this never happened. Today is a particularly bad day... the "other" greta would be working now, rushing around and complaining about the kids(adults now), the pets(3 dogs and a cat)the house-cooking, cleaning, paying the bills, yelling at my hubby..you know -the us

