memaw's Blog

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good news

Well I got results of MRI on shoulder besides arthritis and bursitis I have tendinitis. Wow not exactly like I have been doing a lot of sports. Anyway got 2 shots and shoulder feeling much better or at least back to feeling like my stroke shoulder. Now will have MRI done on right hip. Relief to know something extra going on and not my imagination. I plan to go to my second stroke support meeting this month. I will share this web site with them. I am especially excited to share with Michae



my birthday

Today I am 64. Before stroke I would not have been thrilled about turning 64 but now every year is a blessing. The whole family is coming tomorrow and that will be wonderful. I love when the grandkids are here. My qiult project is started and I have begun as a volunteer for Erin at her school. Signs that Fall is coming is apparent although it is still hot. The Buckeyes played and won their first game. Life is good! I am truly blessed! Nancy



doing much better

I am doing much better this week. Will see dr. next week to get results of MRI. I had my pitty party and flushed(thanks Donna). Have been doing new projects. I made two" blankies" for the grandkids. I also have a pattern and material for a quilted bag. I may join the quilt group at our senior center so I can get help on my projects. I have also agreed to go my daughter's school to be her volunteer once a week to help run papers etc. I also volunteer once a week at the hospital and have



day one

I,m new at this so bear with me. I had a recent visit with pain specialist to see if I could improve walking and use of right arm and shoulder. I got a shot of cortisone in hip and yes I think it's helping. Will have MRI and evaluation by PT with knowledge of stroke. I have been a little down since taking a bus trip and realizing my body wasn't up for it. My husband has very limited vision in left eye so driving not an option. My daughter returning to teaching in couple of weeks so that m

