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WOW! It's been a year...quite the ride

I can't believe it's been exactly 1 year today since I've had my stroke. I thought I'd wake up and feel relieved, but felt more anxious somehow. I heard multiple times, "1st year is the hardest"...well I hope so because I MADE IT. Only difference between now and 1 year ago is I take 3 medications a day and am 15lbs heavier! But, I'll take the weight over being mentally stable any day. Thankful for what I do have and what I can do. Today, I did exactly what I did a year ago, in fact, I even wore



Roughest week yet, 3 months after stroke

What can I say, this has been the roughest week yet since my stroke. My anxiety and depression have really escalated the past week. I saw my doctor and just started taking Zoloft. I understand it takes a bit to kick in. I've lost my appetite and nothing sounds good. It took all my will just to get out of bed and come to work today. I am seeing a therapist this afternoon so hope that will help to talk to someone. My mind has just been going crazy lately, don't know if it's stroke recovery or what

