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"somebody tried to drive off with me in the car"



It is so hot in Texas now. I ran into the grocery store and left the keys in the ignition and the care running with the ac on. William did not want to go into the store with me.


I get back and William tells me that some man had opened the door and sat down in the car. he noticed william and then said "sorry". I do think that he just go into the wrong car.


But, then I got to thinking. What if, somebody wanted to car jack the car and William was in the car. They would just drive off with him. I decided that he should lock the doors when I leave and he can open them when I get back.


There is a first time for everything. Can you imagine somebody kidnapping William?? lol




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Oh Ruth - that is so scary! :yikes: I'm so happy you are both okay.

He might have mistaken your car but you never know. Be careful. I here of people driving off with little kids or babies in the car. They want to make a fast getaway and don't notice. Yes, lock the doors and now I will too. :)



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Makes one wonder what kind of world we have moved into any more. I was just thinking what if that would happen to kitty. I guess that after a couple days of care giving they would just bring her back. lol

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Ruth, you are very naughty! Like Bob says, you are really just thinking that if they wanted to Car-Jack and also had to deal with William, how funny would that be?


In all seriousness tho, take care. Always safety first, us caregivers! Bruce did not want to go into pharmacy wth me yesterday. I did take keys, but made sure windows were open half way-very hot and humid here. And I was only in there 15 minutes, but only takes a second. Take the second set of keys with you. In a pinch you can lock him in with the motor and AC running. But be certain you have that second set of keys with you.


Laughing but not. New world. Debbie

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I sit in the car alot


while hubby runs into stores -- it really scares me when he forgets to unbuckle me - I usually have cell phone for "911" but U know if car rolled while running I could do nothing.As U know I spent most of my growing up summers in s Tx so No U must leave AC on.

I feel better when locked & I'm in small town let alone Hou have him keep cell phone in reach



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I am so glad it was just a mistake but better learn from our mistakes, its better to keep windows rolled down & take keys with you than give opportunity to someone to steal the car, but I agree he will return William & car back after few days of caregiving lol


glad you all are safe. Sometimes when kido does not want to come inside the store & want his radio on, we lock the car & go finish our errand in the store, but ofcourse have done it very rarely & drag his behind in the store.




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Ruth, it's high time for you to have both keys, yours and William's key. Lock the door, you got one keys on you! :unsure:

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Ruth, it's high time for you to have both keys, yours and William's key. Lock the door, you got one keys on you! unsure.gif

I have to agree. I lock the doors for I know I cant react fast as I once did. Either he knocks or has the other key

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