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damn its hot here



ok who turned on the heat, i'm dying here. our rental home's ac is not working correctly, so the landlord(my brother in law) is trying to fix it today, a compressor issue i'm told which is under warranty. patience doesn't always come easy to me but i'm trying. today is shower day with my lady from home health and that will cool me off i hope. the ac blower in car went out too but my son matthew fixed that for us. since my stroke, my body cannot handle heat well at all, i get to hot, then the bad headaches come. we had just put a new ac on our house in az before they took it from us which i should have taken it with me, LOL they put them on the roof out there so it would have been a big hassle to get it down. it sure kept our house at a nice temperature in the summer, so i was always comfortable. here it's a different heat with more humidity. maybe i need a baby pool outside. like i could get in and out, not, but its a nice cooling thought. i got some away time a few weeks ago. my siblings and i went to okla to see my dad for his 86th birthday. we had a great time and so did daddy. it was just a weekend trip but we can do more trips since i am closer now. my brothers wife's family puts us up at their house, cooks and really are wonderful people i feel so at ease when i'm there. i don't worry about falling, walking outside, etc. the anxiety i usually have is gone maybe because i know there are people everywhere to help me if i need it. anyway it was a nice short trip i got to see other family members i hadn't seen in awhile other than on facebook, lol


i get home and had received a letter from a attorney telling me that one of the credit card debts we owed has taken me to court. LOVELY these people are ruthless, i was paying the card each month, until hubby's income stopped coming in. i had payed this card off twice before in the past, then we had to use it again and the balance grew. they turned it over to collections and i spoke to those people explaining my situation, husband died, no home, having to move, on disability, etc, hopefully thinking they would just write it off, well i guess not, so now i need to talk to someone here to work on my behalf to get this resolved, or a judgement against me would be a bad thing, garnishing my bank account. like i have money to pay someone to help me with this, not. but i'll call them just to hear my options. you can't get blood out of a turnip but they think they can. discover card is not my friend but it was when i was still working and able to pay it off. haha the hits just keep on coming folks!! we had alot of credit card debt, i think bankruptcy is the only option, but that is costly as well. just more bs in my life after stroke. the grandsons are the joy that the bad things can't take from me.


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sorry to hear of the new hurdles in your life - how'd you get so lucky - insert sarcasm . glad you enjoyed your trip to OK hope you got fed up on the ukky okra and maybr found a good ole Fields pecan pie to clear your pallet.

As a "northerner " who grew up in an arid environment & got to spend the hottest part of most summers in TX & OK without AC - I feel strongly for you. I clearly remember the misery especially the humidity.is bankruptcy all that bad of an idea - talk to those that know! -

Glad you have your sweet lil grandbaby to make life worthwhile




with love & best wishes



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Kimmie, I feel for your delma. but if you are one disability they can not touch it, even a judgement. Is my understanding.

I'm glad you have a sweet grand baby to keep a smile on your face and joy in your heart. remembertolaugh, Jeannie:cocktail:

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You are so right, it's hot here in Texas every summer. Looks like this year 2011, we will have many days 100 or very near for the next 7 days as what was forecasted in my area.


You mentioned the roof top units in Arizona, man do I remember them in Phoenix doing the Olympic tryouts in June and other times we were there for Army pistol shooting matches at South Mountain ranges and at Black Canyon ranges up Interstate 17 from Phoenix. As I remember they were really water coolers but worked real good with the very low humidity.


I had the same problem with my creditors after I sold my bowling pro shop business. They called, wrote letter, threaten me but no one ever showed up at my door. It lasted from 2004 to 2008. I haven't gotten mail or calls that I answer on my home phone in a while now.


Do what you want but I say don't use those companies that will pay of the debt for a fee, it's a rip off. I still get calls because they sell that debt to another collector for no more than 20 dollars then they start calling you for a year or so then sell it to yet another creditor company collector.


I got time Warner cable, Internet and home phone, I can see who is calling on the TV and I don't have message service. I'm not calling them back anyway. If anyone wants us they call our cell phones. All credit cards are unsecured, no collateral involved. Sure it hurts you getting credit but I'm not buying anything else anyway.


My car is 10 years old now, runs great, 5 more years my house is paid off, my credit cards I kept is working out just fine. That keeps me from binge buying stuff I really don't need.

Good luck on what ever you decide to do!

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Yes it is hot here in Texas. You will acclimate after a year or two. Now, William does not like it cold. We keep the ac at 79. That is warm. But, if I keep it colder than he gets cold. At least our bill is low. I am getting used to the warm.


Don't let the credit card people bother you too much. They cannot get much from nothing. They just try to give you a headache.



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Kim, we have had record breaking heat here too. Today we are getting a bit of a break and it's cooled off some. In addition, we have those pesky little cicadas. :sword: Hope they leave town soon.


I would heed everyone's advice who posted here also.


Stay calm and keep cool.



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Kimmie: do not rule out the kiddie pool. I have one for me! Just sitting with my feet in it helps. If the grandsons have one, sit with them a bit and cool those feet.


I am sorry for the trouble. Always left hook, right jab. But so glad you enjoyed your trip.


We had a recent weather change here in New England, as we are used to. It is 57 degrees here tonight. Glad I did not store the comforter last week when it was 91! Thinking of you, Debbie

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Kim, 7 more days are predicted to be 100 and more in your area and mine. In fact all across Texas! Start saving the money to pay for central a/c on next months bill. :rolleyes:

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Hi Kimmie: I haven't been on the 'puter much of late. AZ is over 100 also and is DAMN hot and it's supposed to continue. As you probably have heard, AZ fires are disastrous all over AZ (6 or so of them). I feel for the people who have lost everything or those who have been evacuated, let alone the animals. Humane groups are taking in domestic animals and horses but the wild animals eventually will disappear...nothing to eat and no water. So in retrospect, I have it good. I hope your AC gets fixed soon. And...you are right, you cannot get blood out of a turnip. It's just a shame you have to go through any action about all of this. As they say, this too shall pass. Love & Hugs, Leah

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