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Larry was actually clapping!



We went to an Ambassador's of Harmony concert Saturday. They are a favorite acapello men's choral group and have won national and international awards. There are two great barber shop quartets that perform also. Some friends picked us up and we took the wheel chair, as it is a long walk from one end to the other of this auditorium. Larry also took his cane and was able to use it too. I forgot to include the feet to the WC but he was able to hold his legs up. lol When people clapped at the beginning, Larry said "I can't clap". He later figured out a way to clap with his fist and right hand, and was soon clapping away each tme. :Clap-Hands: He truly enjoyed the concert. I have to say this was the first time I have really seen him enjoy anything this much since the stroke. He was worn out from the ride and activity but he did really well. We had a quite Father's Day and all the kids called and had other places to go. This was fine, as we were tired, and they are coming over next weekend for his birthday for a cookout. Busy week with Dr. appts. and exercise, etc.




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Julie, you are doing so well. Ray and I did some of the things you are doing 15 months or more out from the 1999 strokes. I remember how nice it was when things seemed to be returning to something like our old normal.


I liked that Larry worked out his own way to clap. Ray bangs his right hand flat on the table or the arm of the chair or the program on his lap to make his gesture of appreciation. I love live music and it is a long time since I have been to a live concert. I'll put it on my wishlist for the future.



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I am soooo happy or you both :o) Finding ways to keep enjoying our lives is critically important. As you know we are in a realy tough fight but happy days like you two had will remind him exacty what you both are fighting so hard for and it akes it all worth it :o) Congratulations and awesome caregiving job :o)

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that is so nice to hear.. Larry loved it and was able to show his appreciation.


William loves to have outings they make him feel "normal"


You two are doing so well. Keep up the good work.



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What a wonderful outing! Learning to clap seems to be an important milestone. Dick learned to open my hand up and clap against it. Doesn't make much sound but it is his way of expressing himself.


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Julie: all those months of worry and you have succeeded in finding the party animal in Larry. I do hope you take time to sit back, smile and warm your heart. It has been a long haul, but you are seeing him emerge as his new person and for that I know you are so thankful.


It is a lot of hard work and I know how tiring it is for you, but to have such a gift at the end of all that!


He'll find his way, honey. Keep up the good work, encouragement and prodding. Happy Father's Day to Larry and Happy Larry Day to you! Love and prayers, Debbie

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