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I Went People Watching Today



It is H O T here in Texas but shoppers are out all over the city in all the stores! I sat in the shade outside a few stores just watching people come and go about their shopping. Some would go in one store, put those bags in the trunk of the car then go in another store!


It's amazing how some can shop for hours. I was in this one area long enough to remember some shoppers who came back to the store to return their items they had purchased earlier! I guess they just shop to be doing something on a sunny hot day. Maybe it's cooler in the stores and they can turn their a/c off until they go back home!


I saw more women with tattoos than the basketball players! :big_grin: They will be grandmas with markings on their bodies in a few years. I asked a few of them how much their biggest tattoo cost? The prices were 100 dollars to 400 dollars for one of them. Since it's hot the females had on flip flops or sandals and short shorts with even more tattoos showing!


Some had markings to show a deceased member lost in the war for men and women! I even ran into a couple of my old friends I had before my stroke 7 years ago. They had stopped coming to see me years ago! They were amazed I was up and able to walk with a cane. They had heard I wasn't doing any good and was home bound unable to get out! I suppose we all lose friends after a stroke!


I think now that all of us survivors should get out often and see the rest of the world! Just see things, people, cars and inside the stores. There is a lot of new stuff to see in Best Buy, Staples, Home Depot, Ross and the phone companies located all along the strip malls! I didn't go to our big mall but there were many cars and people coming and going inside when I passed by there!


Now it's time for my meds and back to the TV and baseball games! More later! :rolleyes::unsure:


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I am glad you love people watching & going to mall. In India now with economy booming lot of malls has sprung up & what I hear from family there, that lot of time people just go to mall to cool down & not shop lol. hubby & I hate going to mall. we go to store if we need to buy something but never to just hang out in mall. My sister loves window shopping & bargain hunting in the mall & department stores. I am more like my dad go to the store if we need somethng.



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I'm glad you are getting out and enjoying people watching. I agree with getting away from the house no matter what you do. Larry was never a shopper, but I have taken him outside to the parks to enjoy the outdoors, weather permitting. It has been rainy here and getting hotter next week so maybe we will walk in the malls. It's interesting that you saw a friend who stopped visiting because he heard you were not able to get out. Some of Larry's friends stopped visiting also. You wonder why they don't pick up the phone to just call and say "how are you doing?" The kids are coming over today to celebrate Larry's 67th BD. His granddaughter, Emily age 12, told him he didn't look older than 60. I think that made him feel good. :D



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Fred, It's hot in Atlanta, GA. like Texas. Shopping in a mall in the summer is just a way of getting out of the heat. Great for people watching. But, I still like shopping at open centers and just go in the store I need to get something.

Fred it's great that those so called friends of your that use to visit seen that

you were not waiting on them to entertain you.

My theory on friends and family stop from visiting is; I scares the hell out of them

that it could be them. They stop coming over cause they believe they will catch

the stroke from you! :bouncing_off_wall: I'm serious about that Fred.

Fred did you get any digits from any of those lady's? lol :laughbounce:

remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

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Jennie, I enjoyed spending the time outside while my wife shopped her head off, I think? Most of the time I just rode my scooter looking for shady spots! It's funny, I got offers from people to buy me a cold drink several times, I didn't take any offers but I guess I looked tired and dry to them. I was only sweating a little at times.


I had my head band on like the basketball players wear, it catches most of the sweat! :big_grin: :rolleyes:

We got 6 more days predicted to be 100 or better! Whew, that's a hot time in Killeen Texas for sure!

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Fred: I applaude your fortitude! We here in the NE are cool and very wet. Bruce's roommate called from Albuquerque-long hot spell, with no rain since December. He will be here in two weeks, visiting friends and family. He so loves the NE-born and raised, often remarks on how "green" things are here. When Bruce and I were there, you could tell right where the Rio was, only thing green in the area.


I too love people watching, but since have to keep my eye on my charge, often do not get to do that. I set him loose in meat department today, while I just sat for a bit. Saved us close to $80.00 in beef, pork, chicken and we have enough for close to a month. You go Bruce!

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