IM home again
Hello iv been in the hospital for my heart . And i had a blood transfushion .I had been lousing blood an my doctor put me in the hospital .They have been runny test after test on me an all they can fine out is that im a dibet 2 an a stroke survivor an a nemic . SO iv really got to becarfull .I just thank God im home again. But with all that going on i stell have time for my friends . Iv got to take my blood every morning an night be couse im a debit2 an i am a nemic to so i haft to starteating the right food . :nuhuh: more god food for a while . But thats ok iv stell got my health . I didn't take my crocheting to the hospital so iv got to start getting bessy on that . I love to do crocheting eny way it gives me something to do .
After i get my house clean i set in my reclin chair an do my crocheting .See yal later
bye for now: LITTLEJO
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