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From: Stroke doctor specialty?

Source: Stroke doctor specialty? I agre They never said that to me eather . An now iv got BIPOLAR. I had not went to see her inabout a mounth couse Ihave had eye surg on both eyes . hope my inc pays moust ov it ..An i dont get eny money from eny where . We have tryed to get help . but they say trhat my husband make's to much money . Which is a joke .He works for the city an you know they dont get much money after oaying the doctors on him an me he has dibets an so do i . an i have to g

Little Jo

Little Jo

IM back home.

Hello to all sorry i havent been on for a long time . But iv been in the hospitial .The stroke i had in Feb15 2008 .Got a good hold on me this time .HAD t o have blood trans Two times an had newmonna 2 times an this year had to have cATARACT sURGERY in both eyes an my DIBEhas been going crazy but outher than that im doing very good . The lourd God has bless me an Help me get threw all of it.Ifell like a new persion again .SOi gust thought i wood let everyone know that im at home seet home .

Little Jo

Little Jo

IM home again

Hello iv been in the hospital for my heart . And i had a blood transfushion .I had been lousing blood an my doctor put me in the hospital .They have been runny test after test on me an all they can fine out is that im a dibet 2 an a stroke survivor an a nemic . SO iv really got to becarfull .I just thank God im home again. But with all that going on i stell have time for my friends . Iv got to take my blood every morning an night be couse im a debit2 an i am a nemic to so i haft to starte

Little Jo

Little Jo

going away for a vac

Hello i just got back from the doctor office an we got the test back every thing came back ok . THE DOCTOR said that their was nothing in their an i told him wev been knowing that tell me something new . he said ok every thing is ok i just had a short stroke in my brain burt there is nothing to worry about . : :cheer: But now iv got a rash all over my body so i ask him about that an . AN the doctor look at it an did some test on that an said that it could be that im alarget to eny thing so

Little Jo

Little Jo

Life is good to me.

Hello my name is Jo. An im a stroke serviver . Iv had three miney strokes in bout 8 year a go and two heart attacks an now this stroke .AND god has saw me threw it all .he has open up my eyes to see that life is ok . but im a better person now .I HAVE THINGS TO BETHANKFUL FOR. I have good friends an family here.SO I THANK GOD for every day of my life . I have i husband that saw me threw it all . and he is my life. And i have a godchild her name is Tori she is my angel . I think God sent her t

Little Jo

Little Jo