Wow, what now?
I went and had my last cerebral angiogram done a week and a half ago, and I'm all healed. Everything is better. My clots are gone and my arteries are healed. It's amazing. I don't really know how to react to it because i've been sick for so long. It's almost like I believe it but at the same I'm waiting for the other shoes to drop. I feel as thought i've gotten the wind back in my sails for the first time in a long time. Charlie and Trinity have been so happy lately. Trinity has saying that she is so happy that she gets to keep me. And Charlie has a light in him that I haven't seen him in along time. I've started school and feel like i'm not just standing still watching life go on around me. The only thing i have to do now is try and live with the effects of the stroke. I've developed a lot of anxiety disorders so I've been put on a lot of anxiety medications and the memory loss, I thought that would clear up but not so much... I guess that's something that is going to stick around. I hope that maybe one of these days that it will clear up, but I doubt that it will. The anxiety though is something that is going to be hard to deal with. When I'm not on my medication, it is horrible. I mean and nasty and flip at the drop of a dime and usually for no reason... It definitely makes me feel crazy, but now with the clots and arteries all healed up, I think that it will be easier for me to try to manage. Now, I just have to figure out whats next, lol. There are so many possibility that I got back with that news, now i just have to figure out where to start.
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