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Wow, what now?



I went and had my last cerebral angiogram done a week and a half ago, and I'm all healed. Everything is better. My clots are gone and my arteries are healed. It's amazing. I don't really know how to react to it because i've been sick for so long. It's almost like I believe it but at the same I'm waiting for the other shoes to drop. I feel as thought i've gotten the wind back in my sails for the first time in a long time. Charlie and Trinity have been so happy lately. Trinity has saying that she is so happy that she gets to keep me. And Charlie has a light in him that I haven't seen him in along time. I've started school and feel like i'm not just standing still watching life go on around me. The only thing i have to do now is try and live with the effects of the stroke. I've developed a lot of anxiety disorders so I've been put on a lot of anxiety medications and the memory loss, I thought that would clear up but not so much... I guess that's something that is going to stick around. I hope that maybe one of these days that it will clear up, but I doubt that it will. The anxiety though is something that is going to be hard to deal with. When I'm not on my medication, it is horrible. I mean and nasty and flip at the drop of a dime and usually for no reason... It definitely makes me feel crazy, but now with the clots and arteries all healed up, I think that it will be easier for me to try to manage. Now, I just have to figure out whats next, lol. There are so many possibility that I got back with that news, now i just have to figure out where to start. laughbounce.giflaughbounce.giflaughbounce.gifhappydance.gif


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I am happy for your clean bill of health, now sky is limit, life will be what you do with it. With my depression I realized after couple of hard years how my attitude & anxiety affected my family. Once I realize every day I have choice on my attitude on how I will react to any circumstances, just choosing to be happy every day has made huge difference in my life & my family's life. hope you make wise choices every day.



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Thanks guys. Asha, I'm starting to realize that myself. Sometimes it's hard to control my anxiety, but I find that just and as bad as it sounds, getting away from them for a while helps out a lot. It's hard to come to grips that this is going to be apart of my life now and trying to manage it hard cause this is never something i've dealt with on this level before. There were anxiety after car accidents but that faded away. This, after 9 months, hasn't faded yet so I don't think it will but now I have a different outlook on it. I'll learn to deal with it now that it's one of only three things i have to deal with now. Now that I don't have to worry about losing my life, i think i can deal with anything. =)

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Jillian it sounds as if you have a long life stretching ahead of you now. There is so much potential in all of us so I hope you can live it to the full.



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Jiplian, I'm so glad to hear the good news! I bet Charlie and Trinity were as excited as you were. God has given you a new lease on life, and I have full faith and confidence that you will make good use o it. He obviously was not through with you yet. Congratulations, and keep us updated.



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