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I want a vacation



I haven't had a vacation in 13 years. Even when I had my stroke I was back at work in 4 days. Well before I could speak a full sentence or walk a relatively normal three steps.


I haven't had a REAL vacation - 5 days off in a row (- 7 - if you include the weekend) in so long, I don't even know what I'd do. Where would I go?


The last "vacation" I had was 13 years ago. We took the kids to Disneyworld and I attended a convention and went to some seminars. We could write off the trip.


We went to Vegas - 5 or was it 6 - years ago - but, I never saw the outside of a classroom then, except when we took the kid's to MGM's theme park. After waiting in line for two hours - they closed the park - because they had no electricity to run the rides.


I hate Vegas. I gambled a whole quarter in a slot machiene I didn't understand. I waited in line to see the "Treasure Island Pirate Spectacular" at 11:00 at night - and they called it off because of high winds! Vegas sucked.


Come to think of it - Jerry and I took our last REAL vacation shortly after Katie was born - 20 years ago! We went to a cabin in the North Woods without a phone, fax, or computer! For 5 glorious days, we had peace and quiet! Of course we also had a 4 month old with us....not a whole lot of quiet or peace there.


I really need a week off - even if it's hard for this workaholic to admit.


Any ideas?


Where would you go to get away from it all?




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I think that the Prince Edward Island post a few weeks ago looked really great. I would go there. I've always wanted to rent one of those houses on the coast of Myrtle Beach too. The ones that are away from the resort areas. Ahhhhh

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What are you waiting for? Take the time - take the vacation - life is short - live it and enjoy what you can. I had an Aunt and Uncle who for years talked about buying a motorhome and travelling when they retired - neither one lived to fulfill that dream. We learned a long time ago to "just do it." The airfares are cheap right now - depending on what city you are flying out from....try cheaptickets.com and if you want to try a house exchange, try www.craigslist.com and click on the city nearest you, then on house exchanges ..... you may just find something you like. Alot of people advertise their timeshares for rent also if they can't use them - might find a cheap deal there. If not, you're always welcome here - we're only 30 minutes from Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park - beautiful mountain scenery with snow-capped peaks. Trail Ridge Road traditionally opens by Memorial Day weekend.




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Everyone needs a vacation. My parents are actually sending me to my best friends house in june for 3 weeks becuase they think it would be relaxing. go for. Go some where locla even. I know on Long Island i would go to Montalk becuase of the water and everything. Good luck finding the special vacation place! lol.


Peace And Love


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another example of our "twinship"!!!!! my last "vacation" was in 1999. had our seven year old with us so that cut out all of the 'adult " fun. and then i got an abscessed tooth several hundred miles from home and couldn't eat for 4 days until i located dentist willing to take on a new out of town patient. THEN when i finally could eat i got constipated for 3 more days.i was MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i too, am a workaholic. even when i take a few days off ( which is rare) i have my cell, and am conducting business the whole time on the cell, or over the internet and faxes offerred by the hotels. i want to go to a remote cabin, no phone, fax, or computer, and RELAX BY MYSELF FOR A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's what i want. everytime i plan it, SOMETHING else comes up work related i HAVE to do.


one day, i'm just gonna pack my bags with no notice and GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





KIM outofhere.gif

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