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Why I have disappeared.......



I didn't realize that life had past me by....It has been almost a month since I have posted anything. I guess it is the job. I have the best job in the world. Ok, maybe not in the world, cuz that would be surfing the net for lots of money. I am an administrative assistant for the trust department of a bank. So, now instead of taking care of my mom, I now take care of elderly people's estates. It is a fun job. I like everyone I have met at the bank so far. We had a company picinic yesterday that was a lot of fun. Tomorrow we are having a going away party for the lady I am replacing.


It has taken me a few weeks to adjust to working. I thought I would be fully adjusted by now. I get home and I am just so exhausted that I can't even think. Then I spend the weekends doing laundry and cleaning house to cacth up from working all week! biggrin2.gif


I think I am finally getting to a point where I need to have a caregiver chat one evening a week. It has just been a hard adjustment for me to get back into a routine. But then again, I was out of work for 1 week short of a year, so I shouldn't expect miracles.


The males in the house are still annoying...that hasn't changed. But they do cook supper every nigh and my dad fixes me lunch everyday. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. We haven't been fishing much. Only one time since I started work. No fish though. I think the lake is really empty and they just tell us fish are in there. roflmao.gif


Anyway, I cook on Saturdays and Sundays and I am making enchiledas tonight, so I need to go finish the laundry and house cleaning, so I can start supper. Besides, my puppy needs to go potty and since the annoying males in my house can't figure that out, I had better hurry before he has an accident!!!!!! roflmao.gif


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Glad to hear things have improved in your life. You deserve it and glad you love the new job.


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Good to hear from you! I can now continue to live vicariously. I'm glad things are on the upswing, your job sounds great. Let me know when you're ready for fishing.

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Glad to hear from you and that you got a job you really like. It seems like things are looking up for you. I'm so happy for ya. Can't wait to see you in chat too! Hey, at least they're smart enough to feed you!!

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Look forward to seeing you in chat again.

Congratulations on your new job! It is wonderful that you ae enjoying it so much.

I hope I will be able to say that in Dec when I return to some form of work as

being planned.

Take Care

lorrainelm cloud9.gif

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