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Update after a long time:


On April 17th I suffered a big setback due to ovger-exerting myself trying to exercise too much. I am not certain but I may have had another stroke. I went into the hospital twice in April. My progress in the last 3 months has been slower than last year after the stroke on May 11th. Now my brain has trouble estimating spacial differences and I get a feeling as if I were carsick if I venture outside or ride in a car.


I had been doing better but now I am back to square one.


I filed for bankruptcy on July 26th and it will be discharged.... so now I am a bankrupted person. And I am broke. But at least I don't have to worry about going to court because it is difficult even to get out of the house most days and get to anywhere like a courthouse.


I don't have internet, couldn't afford it. Luckily some loose signal comes and goes near where I am living so I get intermitent internet about 10% of the time. This allows me a little google and email time.


My reconsideration for Disability was denied yet again last week. I have an attorney and she informed me that we now have to appeal again and will probably take about A YEAR to get a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. if I had to work or die, I would die.... it's that simple and the SS (Social Security) won't even give me an evaluation. So that is frustrating because I am looking at becoming homeless again and didn't expect the disability to take this long...... I have been filing for disability for over a year now.


The good news: Today I found out that I am 100% covered financially for medical care through UK neuroscience and psychiatry. This means that I can finally get medical care and treatment. God I hope I am not setting myself up for another let-down. There have been so many negatives that a positive seems too good to be true.


And my attorney is confident that I will receive disability once we go into court. Thjis will apparently lead to a large back-pay amount that would be a lot of money. This is good news but I need money to live now and not a lump sum later. UGH!


But I am trying to think about the positives with getting some medical care finally.


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Wow, that is some update! So sorry to hear you have had another stroke - not good news at all. Ray had another one on 30th May and is yet not home with me but should come home on Tuesday all being well.


I hope your attorney can speed things up for you, as you say future assets are fine, you just need to have food and a roof over your head for now.



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Hi Tony: Sorry to hear about your troubles. Congratulations on getting health care coverage! I guess you don't need to be reminded to hook up with physical therapy as soon as possible. Anyway, you have a friend

here in the U. S. (New York). Henry

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To Hostsue: Sorry to hear about Ray, I hope the best for him. That is a big fear for me, to have a big stroke that puts me back in the hospital. I hope he is being treated well. Once I get the abnormal CT scan back I can tell you exactly what type of brain damage occurred.


And to HenryB: I will get into Physical therapy as soon as I am able.... I have no idea what I am doing and I keep hurting myself because of that. Thanks for the reminder. I am in Kentucky near Cincinnati Ohio.

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Hey Tony, you may remember me on here I'm Fred and I had a big problem with OT my last outing where she wanted to straighten out my crooked left arm after 7 years. I told her it wasn't going to happen so in the process she ruined my arm badly. It was swollen up twice as big as the other arm. I had to go to the doctor at the hospital for a week.


She thought she knew everything and I tried to tell her. So I know what over doing exercise feels like. I was turned down for SSI when I first had the stroke so I got my SS for age instead since I was 62. They took 13% because I didn't wait until I was fully eligible at 65 in my case.


Now I see lawyers ads on TV daily about getting your SS started and some of them guarantee! I hope you get it, the sooner the better. Then perhaps you can get your Internet started from Time Warner Cable. They see to have the lowest rates here in my area of Texas and maybe where you are too. I got all three, cable, Internet and phone for $33.33 each!


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