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I didn't know quite where to post this, so figured a blog would work.


You all know I purchased a scooter for Bruce last November to help him with his Car Shows. This is one of the few things he continues to show interest in and I can not push him in the WC over grass. I searched and test drove until I found the right scooter for him. It was a suggestion from a caregiver here that I try out the Elite Go-Go. We test drove it at the Scooter Store here in CT and then purchased it. Obviously over the winter, it was not used and then the Car Show 6 weeks ago when it quit in the middle of the road. You have all read that saga.


Well we went off today. This is the Car Show that Bruce found in the paper. Now I packed the four pieces of the Scooter and brought his WC just in case. We were lucky in that we were in a parking lot that had been recently paved and small slopes. The scooter worked fine. I was amazed at the control Bruce had with it. Funny, he was conscious of the cars but not the people. Well, he did not hit anyone-lol and is trying so hard to balance the location and what is in his path. That is when it dawned on me how far he has come and how far he still has to go. After a bit, I backed off knowing he was safe and in control of the scooter. So I sat with a cold water in shade and just watched him. Area was small enough I could see him wherever he went.


What I saw and did not realize was his interaction with people. Now Bruce and I are pretty much attached by the fact that he needs-by his choice, mind you-someone with him to push the WC. We are pretty much attached at the hip, as most of us are. I did not realize how much of the conversation I took over, in the face of his aphasia. His Speech Therapist asked a long time ago how much time he interacted on his own with strangers. Well he was never with strangers on his own. I was always there.


You should have seen him today. Off to the Bake Sale Booth-talking to all the women, charming them as he does. Talking to the Car Owners. He is more than well aware of his aphasia, had no trouble today. It was amazing. Smiling, happy. Came over to get some money, but mostly while he always knew where I was, took matters onto himself.


This is not something I even thought of. But of course it makes sense. He was so his own person. Wants to know I am there-his safety net, but so confident in himself and his abilities. I blog this only as a discovery of my own. So many of us only have ourselves to depend on. We are the primary caregivers, they depend on us for everything, have little confidence in their recovery and abilities. We will do this again and hopefully often. The scooter gives him the independence and I am confident in his control, so can just lay back and let him find his way. Good day. Weather was perfect-no sun, warm. Best to all, Debbie


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How wonderful that Bruce is able to drive the scooter. I have often thought about one for Greg, but have held off because of his vision issue. ( no vision in right side of both eyes) Does Bruce have any vision issues?

Also, how nice to get the chance to see Bruce interact verbally on his own. I think we all, as caregivers, tend to speak for them more than we should. Thanks for the reminder to let him do more of the talking. (I'm a talker and have to try harder to keep my big mouth shut) LOL

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As I read your post, I was so happy to hear of your break through with Bruce. This did both of you a world of good seeing him in a postive action and Bruce enjoying his day out. (I was so afraid that scooter was going to give you trouble again.) LOL You were brave to let him go on his own. :rock: I guess we as caregivers are use to doing and speaking for our loved ones. I notice when we go to exercise at the rehab center, people are always trying to chat with Larry, and he just gives a one word answer, or I talk for him. They usually direct their hellos and questions to him. He will say "Hi Matt". One time he did notice one of the staff had a hair cut and mentioned it to him. I said "he doesn't even notice when I get a hair cut". LOL At church, it is the same thing. He doesn't speak to others much but will join in on the prayers, singing, etc. Debbie, this goes to show that our loved ones need the interaction with people. I am still trying to get Larry to call and communicate with his old friends. They don't stop by as much but that doesn't mean he can't call or send them an E-Mail. I'm going to try and take your approach next time we are out and keep my mouth shut.


Good job :goodjob:


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That is great news. I need to think abour a sccoter. Wm doen't like the electric wheel chair. He doesn't feel stable it in. How does Bruce's weak leg stay in the proper place? I know that in the grocery store on the scooters his knee sticks out. I'lll take the gait belt and tie it in place.


Bruce wants to interact with people. Wm loves to talk with others. He will often say ask Ruth. But, I try not to get too involved.


People say that they can see a difference in William. But, it is hard for me to see. unless I compare back to the beginning.


I am so glad that Bruce has that love for car shows. That is a fun thing to do. Is it a lot of work for you. Dismantling the scooter and lifting the pieces up into the car?


Have a great week.


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