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Great day on the beach



I grew up in a small town in Connecticut right on Long Island Sound. Yes I am a water baby. Anyone living in this town took swimming lessons and was comfortable in the water since we were about five. Swimming pools came later on, for most of us the summer was on the beach. While protected by Long Island we still had our share of Hurricanes, floods. In the early 60's the Army Corps of Engineers came in and dredged our shoreline. Our high tides were further out, thus protecting the summer homes. Now 40+ years later that dredging is a thing of the past and Hurricane Irene sure proved that.


In the late 70's the State came in and took 2 1/2 miles of our shoreline by eminent domain, supposedly to turn it into a State Park. Nothing was done except to cut off the beach to the public and move our landfill. Since it was a landfill site, many species moved in-lots to eat.


Last year in an effort to redeem some of their dollars, the State put in a boardwalk spanning the whole area and opening it up to the public again. It gives access to that beach area that was impossible to get to unless you knew the back paths into it and were willing to hike in. Hurricane Irene did some damage on the structure, but efforts are being made to repair it.


Weather here turned to fall on Thursday. We always have some summer back in September and even early October, but just a reminder that that will be a few days only and Autumn is upon us. Our Autumn here in New England should be magnificent. Bruce says that our colors are determined by the amount of rainfall-water we receive and there sure was no lack of that. Since Mary Beth, in New Hampshire will turn before us; hope to plan an overnight-even if not at her hourse, but close. She lives on a Mountain which is always beautiful and then get them down here for a weekend when we peak.


Saturday it was cool when we got up-49 degrees, but forecast was for 67 and sunny. Because he was cold when he got up-I found a space heater that is working well-I could see that Bruce was planning a day in front of the TV. As much as I had to do here-backed up with trying to tend to Bruce and Chris, work and home stuff, decided that was not going to happen. I packed up his scooter, sweatshirts and off we went.


Took 2 hours to do the whole boardwalk. The surface was perfect for the scooter. We saw deer, cranes, diving birds. Lots of people-it was shoreline clean up day, so lots of boy and girl scout troops. We watched low tide set in over our Charles Island and I was able to share some of my childhood memories with Bruce that he did not know; like the history and experiences out on the Island, friends I lost to the sound. Bruce grew up inland Connecticut-only lakes, fresh water. Has always been amazed at my love of water and confidence in it, my longing for salt water and I think this may have helped.


Bruce tans very easily-that Native American heritage, so he looks like he just spent the week in the Bahamas. Afterwards we went to the local Farm Market. Bruce loves these. Picks out his marinades for his dinners, fresh and local fruits and veggies, some good cheese, home baked goods and a nice Connecticut wine. Yes, expensive, but he does not ask for much and so enjoys this-it is worth the smile on his face. He said he wants to do this again but with Chris. Now Chris, of course, grew up in the neighborhood, still lives there and has done the boardwalk many times; but Bruce is thinking "stroke" and wants to include her. Be still my heart!


Bruce is trying to stay up later at night. Did 7:30 pm both Saturday and Sunday. Nothing like fresh sea air and a shopping trip. Slept until 7 am on Sunday-that never happens. This will certainly be added to our daily favorites on a day off. Debbie


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What a lovely day! I too love the ocean. Any water is good but there is something about that salt water. So amazing to have that time of sharing. Then your dearest concern for Chris touched me so.


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You write so well!....when I read your blog I'm right there with you smelling the ocean and enjoying the breeze!...

If you ever retire from your other job you should consider writing.

I'm so glad the two of you had an awesome day!



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Debbie, ocean walks and Farmers Markets - what a wonderful combination. A good walk means a good appetite and a good nights sleep.


Glad my computer is back on line and I am able to read your blogs again.



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