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Bruce has discovered a new interest and delight.


We have been watching that "Extreme Couponing" and it seems to draw Bruce's interest. We discuss the psychological considerations of this, but with his Yankee upbringing and poor roots, seems this has drawn his attention.


Last two weeks he has taken our weekly grocery list and turned it into a project-lol!


Bruce always pulled the coupon brochures from the Sunday papers for me, along with the crossword. He was saving the crossword for me at about day three post-stroke. I insisted on the newspaper for him, once I knew he could read and so parts of our old life still remained.


The first year didn't count. Mary Beth was here every weekend. I was fed, I didn't care how and our caregivers told Mary what they needed and she provided it.


Now, however we are in a good routine, things are settled down. I have found all our finances and know where all is monetarily. I learned how to work the dehumidifier and reset the thermometers. We recycle everything, have added sox and sweaters, fans vs AC, except to sleep. And now coupons for everything, except Bruce has taken it to a higher level.


Two weeks ago, on our Sunday shopping trip, Bruce asked for my list-which I keep up daily, the coupon envelope I keep and the store brochure. When he got done, $30.00 in savings. Last week $23.00 in savings and this week he says, we should also fill up the truck because we have 30 cents off a gallon.


He got his deodorant, on sale 2 for $5.00 and then a coupon for buy one, get one free. Wants me to go on-line and get more coupons, but we do not have a printer and I am not interested in stockpiling for three years-lol.


But think about this: reading and understanding the weekly circular, finding those things we buy; finding the matching coupons; deciding if we can buy now or if it can wait. And then the actual shopping. Yes, he takes a break and goes to the magazine section; but he can also get through the store, without supervision by himself in the WC. He had 10 for $10 in McCormick seasonings and then had his coupon for $3.00 off; spent a good 15 minutes deciding his 10 seasonings, based on his marinades for his dinners-lol. Loved it.


Regular shop tomorrow-fresh produce and whatever Bruce finds a bargain on and then box store monthly on Tuesday. I already have the list and coupon book ready for him. Good projects for a projected rainy, cold Sunday. I also want him to help make a nice beef stew for tomorrow night and plan to freeze some for Mary's visit next week. Who knew?


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kitty watches that extreme couponin too. Just glad we don't have access to a lot of coupons. Kitty has a bad habit of buying anything on sale even if we don't need it or use it. lol

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I totally agree with oldmman57. I loke the fact they stock up on things but since I am on a low sodium diet, Im scared to start doing so. Looks like fun though

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Today's shopping trip: $78.00 savings plus he found a 200 bonus gas points, so after shopping, we filled up the truck for 60 cents less per gallon, even less than our BJs.


We bought only what was on the list and what we use; soup (even low sodium) 10 for $10.00 always a staple especially in the winter and on his work days when we get back late and I have an hour to get ready for work. Then he added two coupons for buy 4 get one free. Salad dressings which he also uses to marinate his chicken and pork-10 for 10 with two coupons for buy two, get one free. Shampoo 2 for $5.00 and a buy one, get one free.

Kira's cat food 20 for $11.00 and then a coupon for $4.00 off. Tropicana OJ 2 for $5.00 plus he had a $1.00 off coupon which the store doubled.


Kelli: I know what you mean. Bruce is not on any restrictions, but I keep the salt down. No processed foods or premade frozen dinners.


He has the time to review and reflect on all of this. Will try to throw in one or two for things like Tortino's pizza rolls or Nachos-lol. But those get "lost". I personally with everything on my mind would never spend an hour and a half working on a shopping list, no matter how far in recovery he gets. And if we need it, I would just buy it. Last week he found a coupon for free eggs, this week free paper towels. And these are all the brochures and mailings that we get that he tells me to save. Thank the Lord I do-lol, because he asks for them all back-lol. He saved a mailing for Subway last week and said to Jen on their pool day that he was buying lunch with his coupon for Subway and knew right where I keep his stuff-lol. Jen was impressed.


He had a $1.00 on his Depends. He insisted, but I explained to him that while they were on sale for $11.99, the every day price at BJ's is $10.99 so it made sense to give me the coupon for the box store run. Took a while, but he finally got it.


Yes this is a control issue. Poor guy has so little of it these days plus he reviews that receipt like a hawk! And is just so proud he is contributing. No we will not be having 3 years worth of anything. We do not have the room available and I do not have the time to make it. Nor do I have the time to check expiration dates, rotate stock.


I have the box store monthly run on Tuesday when his girl friends come for dinner, but he has already set aside coupons for that stuff: toilet paper, cleaning supplies, Depends, etc and said he will work on the list for me (lol) when I get home from work on Tuesday so it is ready for me.


Hey if for nothing else, I found something to draw his attention from the TV for a bit and what has been my biggest concern since this all started-just one thing to grab him.

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wow I am impressed. I usually buy things on sale. Bruce is inspiring me to start looking at coupon business. Where do you guys get your coupon from?



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I am so impressed. Bruce can really concentrate and shop.... Wm has no interest in much of anything like that.


I wish that I could get Wm interested.




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Debbie, I am impressed as well. Bruce is doing something productive and saving you money. It is also good therapy for him. :goodjob:


Larry saves me money by not eating much. LOL I do so want him to eat more. He doesn't have the slightest interest in shopping.


Our kids don't coupon much but I do. It's a shame they spend freely as if they had a lot of cash. In this day and age, it pays to shop around and save.



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Pre-stroke, we were pretty much a 50-50 household. If I could not get to something, Bruce would do it and vice versa. Bruce was a caregiver before me. His ex-wife had epilepsy so much of the household routine was his. Plus his Mom was very sick with diabetes, so actually was caregiving from about the age of 12.


He is as comfortable with a broom or mop as he is changing oil in the cars. Just his upbringing. My Dad was the same way which I am sure is part of what attracted me to him.


He seems to find his greatest peace and joy just taking care of his home and me. Once I figured out that he was not going to focus on physical recovery, just continued to involve him in the every day life here at the shack-as he calls it. He responds, steps up and I think actually likes having choices that he is comfortable with.


He loves getting out of the house, for anything. Who can blame him? His whole day watching TV? He has work two days, pool two days but even on quick errands, when he choses to stay in the car, he gets out of this house. I have taken to asking him as I can now leave him for quick errands, but know he will always opt to come.


He can get through the stores, in his WC by himself. It is an odd manipulation as he never learned to maneuver the WC with his good hand-mostly uses his strong foot and "hooking" his affected foot. Not a PT's dream, but it works for Bruce. We stick to stores he is familiar with and I can now go and unload, knowing he is safe getting himself across a parking lot.


Asha: we get coupons in the daily newspapers. Bruce can not cut them out of course, but folds back those he wants to keep for me and then mailings and the Sunday inserts.


We as caregivers, learn to play to their strengths and interests. Debbie

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Debbie, I think this is another blog the people new to stroke should read. It really demonstrates that their time can be used on a way that saves their caregiver some time and effort, leaving the caregiver to do many other chores instead. I know Ray would not have been able to do so because of his lack of process thinking. I do have a friend whose husband is a member of our stroke support group and he is really into specials and coupns and is rightly proud of his achievements in budgetting.


I can only envy you, not in a sad way but also rejoicing in what it means to you to have Bruce so keen to do something to lighten the load. Bravo Bruce!



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Debbie, Hurray for Bruce. He is doing multitasking. Your right Debbie as you commented on Asha "We as caregivers, learn to play to their strengths and interests."

Carl does the shopping and doesn't use coupons but does most of his buying at a off brand store. He does a good job saving money and coupon handling would only confuse him.

Carl does the cooking and I just help him out stirring the pot.

I am so proud of Bruce.

remembertolaugh, :cocktail:

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