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A miracle



Today I went in for a test trial of the bioness H200. Although my OT never used e-stim with me because she said I had to much tone and my doc had never heard of bioness, I still had faith. I blocked out the fact that its been almost 10 years since the stroke, blocked out the numerous times I prayed and prayed for the ability to use my left hand only to get no results, and blocked out all the time my OT and doc told me those nerves were dead. I prayed, wore my splint all morning, read some scriptures, and fully believed in all my heart that today would be the day I moved my hand. The therapist stretched me out then strapped my arm in the h200. I was nervous but still had faith and believed. When she turned on the stimulation I felt my hand open up. My thumb moved then my fingers began to stretch. I couldnt believe what I was seeing. It was so overwhelming, feeling the stimulation, feeling my hand open up for the first time in years, seeing my fingers move. At first I began to laugh but when she changed the mode and my fingers opened up more, I couldn't hold back the tears. It was so emotional. I finally had hope! The nerves in my hand are still alive! That was the best news I have heard all my life. better than graduating as valedictorian and slightly better than getting my license. God I was so happy! Even after we finished using bioness, she bent my wrist all the way back and it didn't hurt at all because it had taken away so much tone! I told the therapist about how my OT didnt believe in me and it just so happened that my old PT was there so she told me she could work with me instead of going back to my old OT. I also told her about how pessimistic my doctor is and how he wouldnt write me a prescription for the h200 since he never heard of it before. We decided to get a prescription from my primary care doctor and she gave me the contact information for a neurologist at Duke that does a spasticity clinic and can give me a second opinion and write a prescription for me if I needed it. She even said vocational rehab might help me pay for it if my insurance doesnt cover it all. I am just ecstatic and believing that God will make a way for me to get the bioness. I know it will take a lot of exercise and it doesn't come quick and easy but I am ready to do whatever it takes. My faith quadrupled after what I witnessed today :)


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Way to go !!!!!!!!! Hanging in there and not losing sight of the possibilities of recovery.

This is really good news and kudos to who ever wrote the Rx.

Keep at it and keep reporting the good news, even a little bit at a time


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Guest hostwill


Way to go !!!!!!!!! Hanging in there and not losing sight of the possibilities of recovery.

This is really good news and kudos to who ever wrote the Rx.

Keep at it and keep reporting the good news, even a little bit at a time




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I don't care how long it has been. Hope and faith can move mountains. I am ecstatic for you. How wonderful. We have had the same pessismistic outlook from OT. I think that OT people are just that way. I tend not to believe them.


I am so happpy. Thank you for sharing this amazing moment.



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Keep on getting better and do whatever works for you especially while you are still very young. I can tell you, at my age it is hard but I keep on keeping on cause I know every little bit helps in the long run.


There is always a way to get better if we just try instead of saying "It won't work for me." Most of the times it will work. That's why I sent you info on what was working for me. :big_grin: :Clap-Hands:


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Congratulations Katrina in your new found recovery movement. Larry's OT has tried the Bioness a couple of times but with not much success. He too had too much tone. I think you need to use it more than a few min. during OT therapy. If you saw the link here someone referred to on "youtube", and I think the lady's name was Kathy. She recovered her arm/hand in 26 mo. using the Bioness daily. If you can get it with insurance, that would be great. Good luck!



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I got my own eStim machine, works great when I get around to using it. Just in case you want to do your own eStim at home, but you'll probably need to have an OT/PT show you the placement of the pads. Allegro Medical #77715


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Great News! Clap-Hands.gif I too was evaluated for the Bioness H200 this past week. My stroke was 7-9-10. I did have e stim from my OT and do it myself at home. I can open fingers and hand but thumb and index finger are harder to move. The Bioness technician suggested renting the machine, at least at first. Will have the insurance looked into. And Will, when I yawn and/or stretch my left hand CLOSES--go figure??!!

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