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I've talked about my youngest son and how we have not had an easy time of things lately, then this whole Sam leaving the marriage thing happened and that hurt him deeply. Well, Logan (the youngest of my 3 kids) has come over every day since Sam left to spend time with me and make sure I am doing ok. We don't talk about past things right now. He wants to know how I am holding up and what things I will be able to do or might want to do going forward. We hug a lot and try to make eachother smile and laugh. Then he goes off to work, but comes back after his shift ends to check in again before going off to do whatever he has planned. We are reconnecting right now, when we need each other most.


All the kids have been talking, amoung themselves, about the eventuallity of my not being able to live on my own. They are not blind to the signs of vascular dementia. Logan is acutely aware of the mental changes that have taken place since my strokes. He informed his brother and sister that, when the time comes, he will be the one to move me into his home, with his family and take care of me. He wants that responsibility. Garion and Laney have said they will support and help him (and me) so that he isn't doing all the care. But they all agree that the time for that is not now. I can still manage perfectly well with just Monster and some checking in, so moving me into a home closer to Garion and Jeanna is a good plan.


When they told me that Logan had stepped up and insisted that I would live with him, when the time came, that really meant a whole lot to me. It told me I hadn't lost my youngest son. We both cried and we all had 1 big group hug.


So, Logan has to work tomorrow, during the time I will be in the doctor's office. But Garion and Laney are taking me to the doctor, so that they can talk to him too and hear everything he has to say about all the things I have written down to discuss with him. Logan wants his own copy of the progress notes and details from his brother and sister. My kids ar3e stepping in to make sure I get all the care I need, especially while I am going through the whole divorce thing since stress seems to affect me very badly and they want to make sure I will be ok.


They all seem so young to me. They are only 21, 19 cand 18, but they are handling this whole life change with a maturity, grace wisdom that is beyond their years. I look at them and I know that they are the greatest accomplishments I could have ever made in my life. They are what inspires me and what renews my faith when I am feeling lost. God bless those young people. They are amazing.


With them to support me, I know everything is going to be ok.


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this blog made me cry, man you have raised your kids very well. I wish you can part with me your parenting tricks. our Son is his dads boy & loves & respect him more than me. though I am happy that he adores his dad. I m so touched by Logan, I bet he oves you the most & was hurt that you cant remember him. with kids like those & loving support of your family you will do great I am sure of it.




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Lydia:this blog made me cry, man you have raised your kids very well. I wish you can part with me your parenting tricks. our Son is his dads boy & loves & respect him more than me. though I am happy that he adores his dad. I m so touched by Logan, I bet he oves you the most & was hurt that you cant remember him. with kids like those & loving support of your family you will do great I am sure of it.hugs,Asha



Here is what I did:


Don't wait for them to be "mature enough to handle" some new priveledge. They will never seem like they are ready. Let them have the priveledge, but make sure they know that if they mess up, it gets taken away, then be consistant.


Never give them a punishment that they cannot "work off" by doing extra chores and lthtem tell you what chores they are willing to do.


Say you're sorry when you make a mistake.


Tell hetm, every day, that you love them and hug them like you mean it - heart to heart


Let them have all the emotions they are3 going to have when they happen


Admit when you are scared


Let them know that as long as they gave their best, you are proud of what they have done


LISTEN when they talk to you. Don't try to jump ahead to what you think their point is, hear them out


Let them know that as long as they live up to their responsibilities at home, keep up their grades and respect their elders, everything else is negotiable


When you are angry, take a time out before you talk to them. Don't yell at them.


ALWAYS think about how something will affect them first



Those are the rules I set down for myself the minute I knew I was pregnant the first time. Sometimes, it was difficult to follow my own rules and I had to say I was sorry, but my kids are the people they are today because of it.

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Guest hostwill





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thank you so much for sharing your secrets. I see I use some of the rules already, though need to work on some others. need to work on my patience



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